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    ' NightScapian '

  • Posts: 375
    • RSN:Pee2Pley
    • IRC:Twink0
    • Country:
1) What is your RuneScape name?:
My Runescape name is: Twink KO

2) Can you please show a picture of your current RS stats (please make sure your RSN is visible)?:

3) Do you currently have membership (if not, do you plan on getting it any time soon?):
Yes i have a membership.

4) Do you have access to our IRC channel (it is #Clan-CP)?:
Yes i have access to your irc channel.

5 Do you have TeamSpeak 3 downloaded (you will given our TS3 information once your application is posted)?:
Yes i have Teamspeak 3 Downloaded.

6) Can you please show us a picture of what you wear wear and bring in your inventory to a mandatory F2P and P2P PK trip (if you aren't P2P, just skip that part)?:


7) Can you please show us a picture of at least 15 F2P/P2P (if you aren't P2P, just skip that part) return sets?:
I Have enough return sets.....!
Meh i'll give a pic of my baby Since im dunging on twink :S. It's F2p so don't hate.


8) Do you have any RS clanning experience (if yes, please state your history)?:
A, (Kicked for inactivity)
Dp, (Left)
Mm, (Left Cause they thought i was a spy so killed speshls and left like a boss)
Poc, (Closed)
Dp, (Closed)
Eop, (Left cause of tayyab)
Df, (Closed)
Ex, (Left over bs with Souli)
Z, (Closed)
Ex, (Closed)
Idk what happened then.....
Z, (Left after getting flamed by ranks 'Jealousy')
Ct, (Closed)

Thats pretty much it i think :S.

9) If you answered yes to the above question, please answer the following questions and define the terms..
DD/Death Dot: Stand on Eachother.
Fall In/C In: Follow the one who is leading.
Off: Do not attack this Group/Specific person.
Pile: The pile is the one you are attacking with a group/everyone.
C "Name": This is called 'Spamming' Making known to other members who to attack.
Spread: Spread out, by walking away from eachother and stand still. (used by gear checks).
Clump: Clump is mostly used in P2P, it's when you are too close together that barrage can multi-hit. (Yes also chins).
Tank: Eating them f00ds for the clan.
Hug: Running around the trees while making them walking up against the trees. (Can also be used for other obstacles).
Drag: This is combined with tanking, When tanking run away from ur clan, to make them either spread/Or not easy to get a next pile.
Push: Equip you're melee weapons and run in the opposite clan.
Return: When you die, you return via canoe's in f2p or Ancient Tele's in P2P.

We are fighting a clan 1v1 and they all run into single zone, what do you do?: Awaiting what the Leaders tell you to do, Never follow them without the leaders telling you to.
We walk past some random people in the wild during a mandatory PK trip, what do you do?: Ignore them, unless Leaders tell otherwise.

One clan member gets attacked by another clan member during a mandatory PK trip, what do you do?: Spam off, if he continues kill his ass.

10) Our weekend PK trips generally begin at 4 PM EST, is this going to be a problem?:
No, that shouldnt be a problem, 'It would be wise to put GMT times too' Just saying =P.

11) Our mandatory PK trips last for hours, we require if you are online you must be at our PK trip and return until you are told not to, do you understand?:
Yes i understand.

12) How did you find out about CP (if it was a person, please be specific in telling us their name and how long you have known them)?:
No it's not from a person, i've been clanning for too long, and hey who doesn't know CP? XD.

13) Should we be aware of any problems or grudges you currently have against any current CP members?:
Yes i do not like drunk he's a noob.

14) We require you to attend at least one weekday event and one weekend event before being accepted. You are in charge of helping us keep track of what events you have been to. Can you please post a screen shot on your application once you have attended either a weekend or weekday event?:
I have attended a Weekend Event and 2 Weekday events.

And i'm at a prep atm...

Though i do not regulary make pictures of event's ill pic this one just for you.



15) CP is not only a event based clan, we require you to be community friendly. By that we mean you must not only be active on RS, but stay active on the website, IRC, and TS. Is this fine?: Yes this is fine :>.

When things seem most unclear
You will live in days of fear
But whenever you are here
You are the one to steer




    The clan world revolves around CP

  • Posts: 41,730
    • RSN:UAV
    • IRC:[CP]iMerk_31s
    • Country:
nice def lvl :P
and get the pics of return sets etc

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

Posted Image

Posted Image

@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.



  • Posts: 1,156
    • IRC:[CP]SM0K3
    • Country:
please put more effort into your app and put in your return sets pic and your clan history

Irc Nick: [CP]SM0K3



    One & Only

  • Posts: 6,002
    • RSN:Toxine
    • IRC:[CP]Toxine
    • Country:
clan history

weekend events, gl

@Leader 2010-2012

^Elder Dec. 2012~

Posted Image



    Niggas Gona Nig

  • Posts: 1,436
    • Country:
attend weekend events


Posted Image
Posted Image

Corrupted since February 12, 2009.
High Council 2010-2012



    One & Only

  • Posts: 6,002
    • RSN:Toxine
    • IRC:[CP]Toxine
    • Country:
Still need that updated return set tab on Twink

@Leader 2010-2012

^Elder Dec. 2012~

Posted Image



    ' NightScapian '

  • Posts: 375
    • RSN:Pee2Pley
    • IRC:Twink0
    • Country:

View PostToxine, on 29 September 2011 - 12:01 AM, said:

Still need that updated return set tab on Twink

It said show 15+ Return sets L.....

And i said.. Im dunging on twink.... R0fl.

When things seem most unclear
You will live in days of fear
But whenever you are here
You are the one to steer




    The Dutch Legend

  • Posts: 3,438
    • Country:
From ct to cp kinda weard to me can you explain why cp and why you aint joining another whit other ct members ur app looks fine for the rest


Posted ImagePosted Image




    "Avec tactiques supérieures."

  • Posts: 10,801
    • RSN:Drunkin R2h
    • IRC:[CP]Drunk
    • Country:
Just post weekend event pics u noob :@

Posted Image

Posted Image



    ' NightScapian '

  • Posts: 375
    • RSN:Pee2Pley
    • IRC:Twink0
    • Country:

View PostPunch, on 29 September 2011 - 02:17 PM, said:

From ct to cp kinda weard to me can you explain why cp and why you aint joining another whit other ct members ur app looks fine for the rest

I'll explain it to you, Toxine and Drunk have been asking me for over 1 year now.... and so i thought i'll apply...

+ They are joining EoP, which i don't want to...

When things seem most unclear
You will live in days of fear
But whenever you are here
You are the one to steer


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