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Fatal no focus in 2k17

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Fatal will be editing this for sure so pm me for the real version

<01:36:35> "Fatal": i only sound black
<01:36:50> "asian": because your from newyork
<01:36:51> "Fatal": im as white as they come
<01:36:53> "Fatal": i even have blue eyes
<01:36:55> "Maaku": In reality i have 2 black friends irl
<01:36:57> "Maaku": here in finland
<01:37:03> "Maaku": im not racist
<01:37:03> "Maaku": but
<01:37:05> "Fatal": maaku
<01:37:11> "Fatal": im just trying to get some understanding
<01:37:13> "Fatal": y u act the way u do
<01:37:22> "Fatal": bc i feel like ur a good guy
<01:37:27> "Maaku": i have zero motivation left
<01:37:28> "Fatal": who could offer a lot when u act right
<01:37:32> "Maaku": when i look at our leadership etc
<01:37:42> "Fatal": yeah but maak
<01:37:46> "Fatal": there's nobody else to take the spot
<01:37:52> "Fatal": u gotta understand that
<01:37:57> "Fatal": nobody else is willing to lead
<01:38:00> "Maaku": then spot will be empty
<01:38:10> "Maaku": no need to make someone to make us look bad
<01:38:21> "Fatal": why dont u like tom
<01:38:22> "Maaku": drunk is gonna do everything anyways
<01:38:27> "Fatal": drunk does nothing
<01:38:30> "Fatal": but call on weekends and at preps
<01:38:32> "Fatal": literally
<01:38:32> "Maaku": everything what he says makems me mad
<01:38:34> "Maaku": he is retarded
<01:38:35> "Maaku": and slow
<01:38:52> "Fatal": yea but nigga
<01:38:59> "Fatal": u not an angel
<01:39:14> "Fatal": who would need to b leader for you to act mature?
<01:39:52> "Maaku": Hard to say
<01:39:57> "Maaku": 90% kids in pure community
<01:39:59> "Maaku": are braindead
<01:40:01> "asian": i have autism
<01:40:06> "Fatal": i feel you stoned
<01:40:12> "Fatal": and maaku
<01:40:18> "Fatal": bully them stoned
<01:40:19> "Fatal": lmfao
<01:40:21> "Fatal": you want me to move up
<01:40:23> "Fatal": and start kyping
<01:40:41> "Fatal": cp needs some authority figure
<01:40:54> "Fatal": other than drunk
<01:41:04> "jose[Dr R A G E]": cp needs an enforcer
<01:41:06> "Fatal": yeah
<01:41:18> "Fatal": agreed
<01:41:20> "jose[Dr R A G E]": someone that will make everyone they bitch
<01:41:28> "Fatal": i agree with you
<01:41:33> "Fatal": yeah that's me jose
<01:41:53> "jose[Dr R A G E]": make em suck your dick too
<01:42:08> "Fatal": maaku u still there
<01:42:20> "Maaku": yes
<01:42:27> "Fatal": maaku
<01:42:33> "Fatal": wna chat with me 1 on 1
<01:42:43> "Maaku": If you have something useful to say
<01:42:56> "Fatal": i wanna tell you
<01:43:03> "Fatal": about the importance of supporting the bigger picture
<01:43:14> "Maaku": ok
<01:43:30> *** You are now talking in channel: "2 Person Chat"
<01:43:34> "Fatal": unmute maaku
<01:43:40> "Maaku": why youcant type
<01:43:45> "Maaku": im doing 10 things at same time
<01:43:49> "Maaku": hs rs
<01:44:01> "Fatal": well
<01:44:17> "Fatal": i just want to know if you're actually here to be a productive member
<01:44:20> "Fatal": i can't really tell
<01:44:30> "Maaku": There is no reason to stay or leave
<01:44:46> "Maaku": doesnt matter what clan i join it will be same shit
<01:44:55> "Fatal": yeah but that's because of your attitude
<01:45:12> "Fatal": which is why i want to explain the importance of supporting the bigger picture
<01:45:17> "Fatal": in reality, tom won't be around forever
<01:45:24> "Fatal": a new leader will come along and the cycle will restart
<01:45:38> "Fatal": but there has to be a leader, some1 who will recruit etc.
<01:46:00> "Fatal": so putting them down, just because of a reputation isn't suitable
<01:46:17> "Fatal": i used to lead
<01:46:22> "Maaku": I had chat with drunk
<01:46:28> "Maaku": about everything
<01:46:36> "Fatal": what'd you talk about
<01:46:36> "Maaku": what clan will i choose after this lpc move
<01:46:46> "Maaku": and i said that im gonna
<01:46:48> "Maaku": ignore everyone
<01:46:50> "Maaku": and just be in this clan
<01:46:56> "Fatal": yeah
<01:46:59> "Maaku": because more than i listen this kids in ts
<01:47:00> "Maaku": etc
<01:47:02> "Fatal": i'm saying though, why not be diehard cp?
<01:47:06> "Maaku": it will get worse
<01:47:08> "Fatal": be a great member
<01:47:13> "Fatal": nah
<01:47:13> "Maaku": no
<01:47:14> "Fatal": maaku
<01:47:17> "Fatal": i'll be around more now
<01:47:38> "Fatal": i'm trying to help and get things back on track
<01:47:39> "Maaku": I have still big plans in my head for that clan where i want to be
<01:47:48> "Maaku": since 2006
<01:47:51> "Maaku": when istarted
<01:48:03> "Fatal": yeah
<01:48:05> "Fatal": idk, man
<01:48:09> "Maaku": but there will never be clan what i like
<01:48:16> "Fatal": i wish you around when i was
<01:48:29> "Maaku": but maybe i was
<01:48:36> "Maaku": just with different name
<01:48:56> "Fatal": i doubt it
<01:49:05> "Fatal": if you had gotten to know me, you'd respect me a lot more
<01:49:09> "Maaku": I joined cp first time in 2013
<01:49:10> "Fatal": i don't force my opinion onto people
<01:49:19> "Fatal": i just like to understand where ppl are coming from
<01:49:22> "Fatal": and then try to find a common ground
<01:49:39> "Maaku": first
<01:49:43> "Maaku": here in pure community
<01:49:47> "Maaku": i know atleast 3 ppl
<01:49:49> "Maaku": with name fatal
<01:49:54> "Fatal": yeah
<01:49:57> "Fatal": they're all wannabe mes
<01:50:01> "Maaku": same with andre
<01:50:01> "Fatal": fatall with 2 L's?
<01:50:04> "Sam - #KFC 4 HoF" pokes you: vote for kfc for hall of fame he deserves it
<01:50:05> "Fatal": wanna be me
<01:50:14> You poked "Sam - #KFC 4 HoF" with message: I vote xo because u didnt find my enemy
<01:50:15> "Fatal": i'm the original
<01:50:18> "Fatal": i've had fatal since 06
<01:50:24> "Sam - #KFC 4 HoF" pokes you: ill look into it
<01:50:35> "Fatal": what wuold make you enjoy cp more
<01:50:58> "Fatal": you're a big step into this new era, because if everyone sees MAAKU of all people actually being mature and supporting the movement
<01:51:04> "Fatal": then people will be like damn...
<01:51:20> "Maaku": I would kick half of this clan if i just could
<01:51:25> "Fatal": i agree
<01:51:26> "Maaku": just perma ban
<01:51:27> "Fatal": so would i
<01:51:34> "Fatal": but that's beside the point
<01:51:54> "Fatal": i just want you to be an actual member, bro
<01:52:00> "Fatal": not some kid sam knew and auto-eldered
<01:52:02> "Maaku": Ofc any of you want
<01:52:05> "Fatal": i want you making friends etc
<01:52:09> "Fatal": building relationships
<01:52:15> "Fatal": bc that's what clanning is all about
<01:52:18> "Fatal": not fucking playing runescape
<01:52:23> "Maaku": I didnt skip any events
<01:52:26> "Maaku": even when i was in army
<01:52:27> "Fatal": it's about having fun with the people you enjoy
<01:52:32> "Maaku": then  you call me as troll
<01:52:34> "Fatal": you see where i'm coming from though right
<01:52:34> "Maaku": i vidded all events
<01:52:38> "Maaku": nobody in leadership
<01:52:39> "Maaku": did that
<01:52:52> "Fatal": yeah
<01:52:56> "Fatal": that was good that you vid
<01:53:00> "Fatal": but i'm saying like
<01:53:29> "Fatal": i want you in cp, getting to know people, making friends, actually enjoy your surroundings
<01:53:40> "Fatal": rather than say you hate it, you hate the leadership etc.
<01:53:46> "Maaku": I hate
<01:53:56> "Fatal": if you want my opinion
<01:54:00> "Fatal": i hated sam's leadership
<01:54:04> "Maaku": more than i talk or get pokes by persian tom etc
<01:54:06> "Maaku": more i hate them
<01:54:07> "Fatal": 1 of the main reasons i stopped playing rs
<01:54:11> "Fatal": and you joined during sam's leadership
<01:54:13> "Fatal": correct
<01:54:27> "Fatal": block persian tom
<01:54:33> "Fatal": if he's that big of a deal
<01:54:36> "Maaku": how
<01:54:41> "Maaku": i block like 10kids
<01:54:42> "Fatal": right click his name and click block
<01:54:46> "Fatal": why, though
<01:54:51> "Maaku": he cant see my topics after that?
<01:54:57> "Fatal": you built up a reputation where nobody takes you serious
<01:55:04> "Fatal": no flame i'm just being honest
<01:55:05> "Maaku": fatal
<01:55:06> "Maaku": how i block
<01:55:08> "Fatal": that's why i want you to switch it around
<01:55:12> "Maaku": jasper and disloyal
<01:55:20> "Maaku": like
<01:55:25> "Fatal": i just don't understand
<01:55:25> "Maaku": they cant quote or see me at forums
<01:55:27> "Maaku": is it possible
<01:55:30> "Fatal": nah idts
<01:55:38> "Fatal": but maaku
<01:55:50> "Fatal": i just don't understand why you're still cp, if you hate the leadership and block most of the members?
<01:56:01> "Maaku": Because tom is not my leader
<01:56:02> "Fatal": why aren't you trying to build relationships and friendships
<01:56:08> "Maaku": it is still drunk chain etc
<01:56:11> "Maaku": like in reality
<01:56:15> "Fatal": bro
<01:56:18> "Maaku": they still have the power
<01:56:22> "Fatal": in reality drunk and chain don't do anything
<01:56:28> "Maaku": persian tom is not even member of this clan for me
<01:56:36> "Maaku": yea
<01:56:38> "Maaku": slaves do
<01:56:40> "Fatal": drunk and chain decided to promote tom
<01:56:44> "Fatal": it was their decision
<01:56:47> "Maaku": tom will slave recruit
<01:56:53> "Maaku": drunk doesnt like him or chain
<01:56:57> "Maaku": we have jokes about him
<01:57:23> "Fatal": lmao
<01:57:31> "Fatal": idk, man
<01:57:39> "Fatal": i'm a nice guy, i feel like you're a nice guy too
<01:57:43> "Maaku": just tell me if you know how i can 100% ignore this kids
<01:57:45> "Fatal": i can't force you into being a solid member
<01:57:51> "Maaku": so i can just log in to events
<01:58:05> "Fatal": but in reality maaku
<01:58:13> "Fatal": if i was around you'd have been gone a long time ago
<01:58:17> "Fatal": acting the way you do
<01:58:30> "Maaku": It is not out from me if i will be gone
<01:58:40> "Fatal": i'm sayig
<01:58:49> "Fatal": like sam was a pushover and let you do a lot of retarded shit that i would never let you do
<01:58:55> "Maaku": most of this clan are acting like retards
<01:58:56> "Fatal": and made you think it was okay to do
<01:59:07> "Maaku": if you want to kick all retards who will show up next sat
<01:59:18> "Maaku": this clan is full of retards as +1
<01:59:25> "Fatal": that's the difference between me and shit leaders
<01:59:33> "Maaku": i came here t ospend my days as veteran pure clanner
<01:59:36> "Fatal": i could care less about pulling 100 if my community was dogshit
<02:00:10> "Fatal": you joined during sams era
<02:00:12> "Fatal": the era of retards
<02:00:16> "Fatal": which is why you felt comfortable
<02:00:18> "Fatal": acting the way you do
<02:00:18> "Maaku": I joined first time in 2013
<02:00:22> "Maaku": as i already said
<02:00:26> "Fatal": nah
<02:00:29> "Maaku": I did
<02:00:31> "Fatal": you weren't around
<02:00:40> "Maaku": do u remember someone called hua tactics?
<02:00:41> "Fatal": you joined then left a week later i'm assuming
<02:00:51> "Fatal": but
<02:00:53> "Maaku": do i have to find pics or something
<02:00:53> "Fatal": let me rephrase
<02:00:55> "Maaku": wait
<02:01:04> "Fatal": you were the most active in  CP during sams era
<02:01:11> "Fatal": which is why you act the way you do and think it's fine
<02:01:29> "Maaku": you can act however you want in cp
<02:01:33> "Maaku": that is the truth
<02:01:37> "Fatal": yeah lmfao
<02:01:37> "Maaku": idk what you are talking about
<02:01:39> "Fatal": AFTER sams era
<02:01:43> "Fatal": you have no idea
<02:01:43> "Maaku": yea its not my problem
<02:01:48> "Maaku": cp what u like is gone
<02:01:58> "Maaku": i have nothing to do with it
<02:02:05> "Fatal": the point i'm making is
<02:02:10> "Maaku": im not gonna give my everything for those retards what i see in lobby etc
<02:02:13> "Fatal": i'm trying to get you to change that mentality
<02:02:23> "Maaku": dont bother
<02:02:38> "Fatal": because from what i see, bro
<02:02:42> "Maaku": this pure community is gone
<02:02:49> "Maaku": i will never take it seriously
<02:02:50> "Fatal": i agree it's been gone for a while
<02:03:02> "Fatal": more so died half way into sam's leadership
<02:03:05> "Fatal": but it's not too late to bounce back
<02:03:18> "Maaku": sam doesnt just care anymore
<02:03:21> "Maaku": after lt
<02:03:30> "Fatal": lt was dogshit also
<02:03:33> "Fatal": sam turned cp into lt
<02:03:36> "Maaku": xD
<02:03:37> "Fatal": which is fine i don't mind
<02:03:41> "Maaku": you are retarded irl or something
<02:03:43> "Fatal": as long as cp stays alive
<02:03:48> "Fatal": how am i retarded?
<02:03:56> "Fatal": if i wanted a free win i'd fight lt
<02:03:56> "Maaku": look what you are saying
<02:04:01> "Fatal": ????
<02:04:05> "Fatal": i'm saying facts l000l
<02:04:11> "Maaku": cp was the best clan in 2016
<02:04:13> "Maaku": im serious
<02:04:13> "Maaku": but
<02:04:17> "Maaku": when i used to be in lt
<02:04:23> "Maaku": we won against cp with like 30opts vs 50
<02:04:30> "Maaku": cp used to be really bad in like 2014
<02:04:32> "Fatal": l0000000l?????
<02:04:36> "Fatal": link me bro
<02:04:50> "Maaku": talk serious with me now
<02:04:56> "Fatal": cp has
<02:04:59> "Fatal": that's why when lt closed
<02:05:01> "Fatal": sam joined cp
<02:05:02> "Fatal": lol
<02:05:07> "Maaku": first
<02:05:10> "Maaku": sam got kicked from lt
<02:05:13> "Maaku": then he joined cp
<02:05:16> "Maaku": and then lt closed
<02:05:19> "Fatal": yeah
<02:05:20> "Maaku": sam did everything in lt
<02:05:23> "Fatal": exactly
<02:05:27> "Fatal": and lt was really bad
<02:05:30> "Fatal": like really bad
<02:05:32> "Maaku": sam made cp alive
<02:05:34> "Maaku": by his way
<02:05:38> "Maaku": quality went shit
<02:05:41> "Maaku": but still
<02:05:44> "Maaku": cp has that core unit
<02:05:48> "Fatal": bro
<02:05:49> "Maaku": recruits of sam
<02:05:52> "Maaku": were meatshields
<02:05:54> "Maaku": at pk trips
<02:05:56> "Fatal": l000000000000000l
<02:05:56> "Maaku": for cp core unit
<02:05:58> "Fatal": bro
<02:05:59> "Maaku": those mains
<02:06:01> "Maaku": from edgeville
<02:06:10> "Fatal": all the core guys in cp are my recruits from 2 yrs ago
<02:06:10> "Maaku": cp were best f2p cw team too
<02:06:11> "Fatal": lmfao
<02:06:12> "Maaku": because of core unit
<02:06:19> "Maaku": no
<02:06:43> "Maaku": idk why i am even talking with you
<02:06:46> "Fatal": yeah




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    The clan world revolves around CP

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wot m8

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.




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Damn I'm getting cooked.


@Leader 2015-2017



    The Goater

  • Posts: 4,228
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I don't see anything other than me trying to make you an ideal member rather than a spastic?


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Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

Part of the #39Def unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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    The Goater

  • Posts: 4,228
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View PostSam, on 25 April 2017 - 06:32 PM, said:

Damn I'm getting cooked.


Sorry, brother.  I only speak facts.


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Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

Part of the #39Def unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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View PostFatal, on 25 April 2017 - 06:32 PM, said:

I don't see anything other than me trying to make you an ideal member rather than a spastic?

I dont take u seriously please dont comment my topics



    Best There Is

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View PostFatal, on 25 April 2017 - 06:34 PM, said:

View PostSam, on 25 April 2017 - 06:32 PM, said:

Damn I'm getting cooked.


Sorry, brother.  I only speak facts.

Yeah winning and losing are 2 different things.

@Leader 2015-2017



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View PostFatal, on 25 April 2017 - 06:32 PM, said:

I don't see anything other than me trying to make you an ideal member rather than a spastic?


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