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Blue's Photo


Voted Yes, I will be on for our opening trip (105 votes [84.17%] - View)
May 09 2017 06:27 PM
Deziqn's Photo


Voted Yes, I will be on for our opening trip (105 votes [84.17%] - View)
May 09 2017 06:26 PM
Deziqn's Photo


was a fun ride boys.
May 09 2017 06:22 PM
Fatal's Photo


Whoever finds some1 to buy my acc for rsgp, gets 10M.
May 09 2017 03:36 PM
Fatal's Photo


If you sell accs and want to make money, msg me.
May 09 2017 03:17 PM
Perry's Photo


Whoever didnt buy my BTC is slow in the head it just hit an all time high at $1700 u wasting money everyday u dont buy from me
May 09 2017 03:01 PM
  • Andre's Photo
    the ramblings of a mad man
    May 09 2017 03:11 PM
  • Drunk's Photo
    why dont u just sell it now since its higher
    May 09 2017 03:40 PM
  • Earmuffs's Photo
    Because he'd rather sell it to a CP member!!!! :DDDDDD
    May 09 2017 04:02 PM
Sam's Photo


Time to load da choppa?
May 09 2017 02:18 PM
  • Anton's Photo
    load da choppa
    May 09 2017 02:18 PM
  • Deziqn's Photo
    Load it.
    May 09 2017 02:18 PM
  • Blue's Photo
    time to load the mains
    May 09 2017 05:54 PM
Drunk's Photo


Wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 chocolate globbernaughts frum tha corner shop. im trained in street fitin’ & im the strongest foker in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil bellend w/ a fit mum & fakebling
May 09 2017 02:08 PM
  • Perry's Photo
    is that a @Chemz quote?
    May 09 2017 02:55 PM
  • Moe's Photo
    sick bellend
    May 09 2017 03:24 PM
Maaku's Photo


Start training your tanks for lpc scene
May 09 2017 01:52 PM
  • Anton's Photo
    Already on it boss
    May 09 2017 02:06 PM
The Wolf's Photo

$The Wolf

@Sam deletes topics in 2k17 l0l
May 09 2017 01:06 PM
  • Sam's Photo
    @The Wolf you're not a wolf rif rofl
    May 09 2017 01:10 PM
  • The Wolf's Photo
    $The Wolf
    yo right...i'm "THE WOLF"
    May 09 2017 01:19 PM
  • Maaku's Photo
    wolf niger
    May 09 2017 01:21 PM
Briding Hard's Photo

Briding Hard

May 09 2017 10:45 AM
Briding Hard's Photo

Briding Hard

May 09 2017 10:45 AM
Briding Hard's Photo

Briding Hard

May 09 2017 10:45 AM
Briding Hard's Photo

Briding Hard

May 09 2017 10:44 AM
Andre's Photo


Can't wait until @Maaku joins eop
May 09 2017 09:17 AM
  • Maaku's Photo
    mad paki i dox u
    May 09 2017 09:23 AM
  • Anton's Photo
    May 09 2017 10:07 AM