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Sam's Photo


sucks to be in a clan that pulls 30 with mains and has no backbone, feels good to be white unlike deziqn & sam l0l, deziqn gl
Apr 11 2017 03:51 PM
  • Blue's Photo
    Apr 11 2017 04:02 PM
  • Andre's Photo
    snowboard snowboard
    Apr 11 2017 05:04 PM
Moe's Photo


sucks to be in a clan that pulls 30 with mains and has no backbone, feels good to be white unlike deziqn & sam l0l, deziqn gl
Apr 11 2017 03:49 PM
  • Moe's Photo
    @SwanZiE heh
    Apr 11 2017 03:50 PM
  • Deziqn's Photo
    hahaa moe too slow
    Apr 11 2017 03:51 PM
  • Gilded's Photo
    moe brown

    Apr 11 2017 05:54 PM
Deziqn's Photo


sucks to be in a clan that pulls 30 with mains and has no backbone, feels good to be white unlike deziqn & sam l0l, deziqn gl
Apr 11 2017 03:49 PM
Moe's Photo


1-4 def btw
Apr 11 2017 03:09 PM
  • Sam's Photo
    Apr 11 2017 03:20 PM
  • Anton's Photo
    39-99 gl lpc scene
    Apr 11 2017 03:50 PM
X O's Photo


speaker upper harderer
Locked Status Apr 11 2017 01:46 PM
Maaku's Photo
  • Moe's Photo
    we lit mhm
    Apr 11 2017 01:45 PM
  • X O's Photo
    X O
    Apr 11 2017 02:23 PM
  • Deziqn's Photo
    Apr 11 2017 03:01 PM
Deziqn's Photo


The choppa @Sam
Apr 11 2017 12:02 PM
  • Sam's Photo
    It's ready @Deziqn load da choppa
    Apr 11 2017 01:24 PM
Drunk's Photo


@Mitch Where you been at fam
Apr 11 2017 10:46 AM
  • Perry's Photo
    @Mitch hi
    Apr 11 2017 02:36 PM
  • David's Photo
    He's been busy watching the reds @Mitch @Drunk
    Apr 11 2017 03:05 PM
  • Mitch's Photo
    ^^ forreal tho @David

    Apr 11 2017 04:10 PM
Anthoni's Photo


Ah yes, CP going to rip the LPC scene apart.
Apr 11 2017 10:33 AM
Maaku's Photo
Maaku's Photo
Andre's Photo


@Anthoni take HC
Apr 11 2017 09:16 AM
  • Stoned's Photo
    no u
    Apr 11 2017 09:26 AM
  • Anton's Photo
    no u
    Apr 11 2017 09:49 AM
  • Anthoni's Photo
    if u take leader ;)
    Apr 11 2017 10:06 AM
Perry's Photo


Someone yelled Perry irl and I looked back lmao
Apr 11 2017 08:43 AM
Sam's Photo


Ah yes the adamant will be strong opening trip..
Apr 11 2017 06:42 AM
  • Anton's Photo
    Ah yes
    Apr 11 2017 06:50 AM
  • Andre's Photo
    ~no mains~
    Apr 11 2017 07:19 AM
  • Anton's Photo
    no mains only addy
    Apr 11 2017 07:30 AM
Maaku's Photo


Imagine being tomer in 2k17
Apr 11 2017 06:16 AM