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Deziqn's Photo


midweek soon
Apr 05 2017 07:03 PM
  • Fullbuster's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 09:04 PM
X O's Photo


pingus pongus
Locked Status Apr 05 2017 06:43 PM
Deziqn's Photo


Update your rsn's with your lpc accounts
Apr 05 2017 06:37 PM
Perry's Photo


Time to max out my baby
Apr 05 2017 06:33 PM
SZN's Photo


<16:30:46> "flawppy": CP = heaven contracts
Apr 05 2017 06:31 PM
Deziqn's Photo


hocus @Maaku
Locked Status Apr 05 2017 06:19 PM
Maaku's Photo


Cp pocus man @Moe
Apr 05 2017 04:36 PM
  • Maaku's Photo
    hocus pocus @Moe
    Apr 05 2017 05:49 PM
  • Anton's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 06:10 PM
  • Deziqn's Photo
    @Moe come ts?
    Apr 05 2017 06:19 PM
Chris's Photo


@pearl perry said 20k17 lmfao hes so fucking retarded, thank god hes not a rank. kid doesnt pipe up now cuz hes not a rank l0l
Apr 05 2017 04:15 PM
  • Earmuffs's Photo
    Why does Perry got a sig of an ugly tattoo'd dude lookin' like he just climaxed? sus
    Apr 05 2017 05:37 PM
  • Perry's Photo
    why did my comments get deleted? sus
    Apr 05 2017 06:07 PM
Persian Tom's Photo

Persian Tom

Apr 05 2017 04:15 PM
  • Merk's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 05:57 PM
Persian Tom's Photo

Persian Tom

Apex cancelled preps this week sorry boys
Apr 05 2017 03:23 PM
  • Maaku's Photo
    Go recruit then
    Apr 05 2017 03:46 PM
  • Perry's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 03:59 PM
  • Flop's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 04:14 PM
Earmuffs's Photo


When is the new Hall of Fame voting announcement?
Apr 05 2017 03:18 PM
  • Earmuffs's Photo
    I'm a shoe in.
    Apr 05 2017 03:25 PM
  • Perry's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 03:59 PM
  • Merk's Photo
    /me giggles @Ezena
    Apr 05 2017 05:57 PM
Chain's Photo


Listen man if you can't afford to fly to Chicago for the meetup you probably wouldn't be able to afford what we do in your shitty little town instead. We only drink the finest liquors, smoke the dankest cigars, sniff the whitest snow, and fuck the finest of hookers. We don't want to meet your pleb, poor ass anyway. Broke ass bitch.
Apr 05 2017 02:17 PM
  • Andrew's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 03:47 PM
  • Maaku's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 03:50 PM
  • SZN's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 06:32 PM
Perry's Photo


Dude this guy cwaZ on irc is my inspiration man is he in this clan this guy snaps me with a full set of gold grills and 1000$ and a deep ass voice
Apr 05 2017 01:59 PM
  • The Wolf's Photo
    $The Wolf
    Yeah cwaz is the boy
    Apr 05 2017 02:39 PM
  • Perry's Photo
    Apr 05 2017 02:41 PM
  • Persian Tom's Photo
    Persian Tom
    i sent u 5k the other day nigga
    Apr 05 2017 03:36 PM
Andre's Photo


Gather around children
Apr 05 2017 12:13 PM
  • SwanZiE's Photo
    @Andre when is EU meetup heh
    Apr 05 2017 12:33 PM
Perry's Photo


@Chain I gotta talk to you on IRC/Discord/Teamspeak get in touch with me brotha
Apr 05 2017 12:10 PM
  • Blue's Photo
    @Perry prep cancelled tom is slow lol
    Apr 05 2017 12:13 PM
  • Perry's Photo
    what a retard lol
    Apr 05 2017 01:00 PM