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Persian Tom's Photo

Persian Tom

Not in cp in 2k17? Neck it
Apr 04 2017 03:57 AM
  • Zack's Photo
    i agree
    Apr 04 2017 09:19 AM
Moe's Photo


@Blue u are a big boi now
Apr 04 2017 03:07 AM
  • Blue's Photo
    @Moe i see you come buy me a cake outside finsbury park ill be on my tricycle
    Apr 04 2017 04:53 AM
  • Maaku's Photo
    Big blue
    Apr 04 2017 05:38 AM
Persian Tom's Photo

Persian Tom

Persian Tom, you've opened my eyes to a real friendship. What we have, I almost cant describe it. It's something that I've longed for. It's something that I've craved for so long, and now that I finally have it, I never want to let go. I hope you also feel this way. Because then we can finally push our friendship into a whole new level. A Best Friendship. We can make each other happy with one another, and we can engage in actual conversations. I hope this is all a new experience for you, as it is for me too. I feel like you and I will be able to share a lot of memories in the time to come. I think that me and you should try to connect on a more intimate level to have this experience again. Do you agree? If so, I think we can do some socially acceptable activities as friends to further what we currently have. We can do so much for each other, but we both have to want it. This needs to be a team effort, or else we will just crash and burn. This is why I believe you should allow me to have access to your Runescape account. Giving me access to your account has so many benefits for both of us. Anytime you aren’t on, and there’s an event, I can change my nickname to yours. I can make you become the most active member in this clan. I can ensure that your name will be spread far across Varrock and the Wilderness. I wont let you down.
Apr 04 2017 02:36 AM
  • Blue's Photo
    @Earmuffs thoughts?
    Apr 04 2017 02:40 AM
Perry's Photo


Seriously Pearl? Is this something that you guys think is acceptable to do in a clan? What happens when a new recruit comes into this channel and listens to this conversation? What do you think their initial impression of us is? Because I'll tell you the answer. ITS NOT A FUCKING GOOD ONE. You guys really need to look at yourselves and what you're contributing to this clan. How do we expect to recruit new people if flaming someone is part of our egos? Not everyone is like you guys. And we might lose some solid members from hearing constant flaming. I know it might be "fun" for you to flame, but it's not something that we should invite to our community. We need to make strides to better the reputation we have. Because if we keep this up, we're going to end up slumping like EOP or RD. is that what you want? Didn't think so.
Apr 04 2017 12:39 AM
Franco's Photo


Waddup bros
Apr 04 2017 12:11 AM
  • David's Photo
    l0l my nigga Franco
    Apr 04 2017 01:02 AM
  • Ezena's Photo
    Lol ''im not back'' -Franco, nice leis @Franco
    Apr 04 2017 01:25 AM
  • Maaku's Photo
    @Franco come back and focus on cp
    Apr 04 2017 05:38 AM
T3h's Photo


Update RSN's to Memberlist :-)
Apr 04 2017 12:07 AM
  • Moe's Photo
    Apr 04 2017 04:01 AM
  • Maaku's Photo
    Apr 04 2017 05:38 AM
Blue's Photo


Pearl Perry vs The World
Apr 04 2017 12:01 AM
Stoned's Photo


<00:50:34> "Earmuffs": Yo her bellybutton looks like it was literally parted by Moses
Apr 03 2017 11:53 PM
Chain's Photo


<00:50:30> "Earmuffs": Yo her bellybutton looks like it was literally parted by Moses
Apr 03 2017 11:51 PM
Luke's Photo


Seriously Pearl? Is this something that you guys think is acceptable to do in a clan? What happens when a new recruit comes into this channel and listens to this conversation? What do you think their initial impression of us is? Because I'll tell you the answer. ITS NOT A FUCKING GOOD ONE. You guys really need to look at yourselves and what you're contributing to this clan. How do we expect to recruit new people if flaming someone is part of our egos? Not everyone is like you guys. And we might lose some solid members from hearing constant flaming. I know it might be "fun" for you to flame, but it's not something that we should invite to our community. We need to make strides to better the reputation we have. Because if we keep this up, we're going to end up slumping like EOP or RD. is that what you want? Didn't think so.
Apr 03 2017 11:46 PM
Sam's Photo


Seriously Pearl? Is this something that you guys think is acceptable to do in a clan? What happens when a new recruit comes into this channel and listens to this conversation? What do you think their initial impression of us is? Because I'll tell you the answer. ITS NOT A FUCKING GOOD ONE. You guys really need to look at yourselves and what you're contributing to this clan. How do we expect to recruit new people if flaming someone is part of our egos? Not everyone is like you guys. And we might lose some solid members from hearing constant flaming. I know it might be "fun" for you to flame, but it's not something that we should invite to our community. We need to make strides to better the reputation we have. Because if we keep this up, we're going to end up slumping like EOP or RD. is that what you want? Didn't think so.
Apr 03 2017 11:43 PM
Chain's Photo


Seriously Pearl? Is this something that you guys think is acceptable to do in a clan? What happens when a new recruit comes into this channel and listens to this conversation? What do you think their initial impression of us is? Because I'll tell you the answer. ITS NOT A FUCKING GOOD ONE. You guys really need to look at yourselves and what you're contributing to this clan. How do we expect to recruit new people if flaming someone is part of our egos? Not everyone is like you guys. And we might lose some solid members from hearing constant flaming. I know it might be "fun" for you to flame, but it's not something that we should invite to our community. We need to make strides to better the reputation we have. Because if we keep this up, we're going to end up slumping like EOP or RD. is that what you want? Didn't think so.
Apr 03 2017 11:41 PM
Persian Tom's Photo

Persian Tom

Seriously Pearl? Is this something that you guys think is acceptable to do in a clan? What happens when a new recruit comes into this channel and listens to this conversation? What do you think their initial impression of us is? Because I'll tell you the answer. ITS NOT A FUCKING GOOD ONE. You guys really need to look at yourselves and what you're contributing to this clan. How do we expect to recruit new people if flaming someone is part of our egos? Not everyone is like you guys. And we might lose some solid members from hearing constant flaming. I know it might be "fun" for you to flame, but it's not something that we should invite to our community. We need to make strides to better the reputation we have. Because if we keep this up, we're going to end up slumping like EOP or RD. is that what you want? Didn't think so.
Apr 03 2017 11:41 PM
Persian Tom's Photo

Persian Tom

On 4/03/17 @Blue used his microphone after 4 years of being a mute he is awarded with High council for his astonishing accomplishment.
Apr 03 2017 10:02 PM
  • Blue's Photo
    Apr 03 2017 10:03 PM
  • lpunchb4bys's Photo
    didnt ask
    Apr 03 2017 10:03 PM
  • Sunny's Photo
    now its merks turn
    Apr 03 2017 11:07 PM
Sam's Photo


Im just going to cut to the chase. Kenny Price has committed fraud against me in the amount of $200. i will be seeking legal help to bring him to small claims court if he refuses to contact me to correct this issue. i am reaching out to you because i am hoping that you can talk to him before this escalates into anything further than it needs to be.
Apr 03 2017 10:00 PM