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3 Day Split BodyBuilding Routine

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  • Posts: 459
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The series of splits i shall be posting will be made convienient for whatever kind of scheduele you have.

This split is for anyone who can ONLY lift 3 days a week,such as Monday,Wednesday,Friday for example. Keep in mind this is a bodybuilding split,not a powerlifting split or anything else for other sports such as football. Yes football routines are ofcourse based around the same exercises,but you will not see shit such as box jumps,clean and jerk *powercleans* or any other explosive momentum movements that do not revolve around the sole purpose of building muscle.

*My rule of thumb,if you can do more than 12 reps,its time to go up in weight,please keep that in mind for exercises that i say stops at 12. Also the volume may be relatively high,but realise you are training so small with just 3 days a week. Also the order of days does not matter.it is not a must of it being mond,wed,frid,it can be ,tues,thurs,sat or whatever.Also i assume you have already warmed up with lighter weight before doing your working sets.


Dumbell/Barbell Bench Press - 3sets.6-12reps

Incline Dumbell Bench-*Same reps and sets as above

Incline/Flat Chest Flyes- 2-3sets,8-15reps

Tricep Pushdown-"hits outerhead of tricep" , 2-3sets 8-15reps

Overhead Tricep Press-"Hits middle head of tricep" *same reps and sets as above

*Dips can be implemented if you desire and removing any of the tricep exercise above.

Wednesday Back/Bicep/Shoulders*shoulders can be added on any day,but they MUST be hit*

Pullups- 3sets,To Failure
*If you cannot do atleast more than 5+ pullups,do latpulldowns,3-4sets 8-12reps with occasional attempts of trying for pullups

BentOverRows/Cable Rows/Dumbell Rows- 3sets 6-12reps

Dumbell/Barbell Shoulder Press-3sets,6-12reps

Side Lateral raises- 8-15reps

Bent over rear delt raises/roperear delt pulls-*Hitting your rear delts in any fashion is crucial,it is to help prevent rolled over shoulders due to muscle imbalances*...8-20reps 2-3sets

Shrugs/Upright rows-same as above in reps and sets


Squats..-3-4 sets 10-25reps
*If for some reason you cannot do squats like me,Do Leg press or Hack Squats

Hyper Extensions-Start off with bodyweight,slowly add weight,not much,DO NOT always go up atall!...4sets 8-15reps

LegCurls/HamstringCurls-3sets 12-18reps

Calf Raises- 20-25reps

Core Training *Optional,can do whatever you want such as a simple crunches/side crunches for obliques. I will not say exactly what or how,but keep in mind all the *specialized* abdomen exercises are useless,and are no better than a simple crunch.
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    The clan world revolves around CP

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I finna start working out more, ty

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$iP K E D

iP K E D
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routine looks good, i've been looking up 3 day routines that can help someone like me :)

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