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Creatine- Gives Water Weight?/Best Kind/Kidneys

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Creatine creatine creatine,people think is a magical supplement,but now its just time to address it little by little. Random questions answers

First off,what does creatine do? Basically it increases ATP in your muscle,allowing you to pump out more reps,basically to keep it very simple,its main goal is to allow you to pump out more reps in the gym on this point of view

Question: Creatine Gives Water weight?

IIf your creatine does NOT give you water weight,it is then NOT working. However,The water weight you get from creatine isnt the usual water weight thats under the skin. The water weight you get from pure creatine mono is intracelllular, it is inside your muscles. Increasing your Atp allows you to pump out more reps basically said in most simplest way. Without any water weight gain atall,that is a useless creatine supplement you have.

The best kind of Creatine?

Creatine Mono-hydrate is best pure creatine and most researched one, The pure german creatine,in which creatine mono-hydrate is only ingredient. A good one is " ON Micronized creatine powder". Note: i did not say other kinds of creatine doesn't work,i am simply saying the ones that are heavily tested to work

My kidneys?

If you have no pre-existing kidney history,it will do nothing to harm your kidneys whatsoever, unless you decide to be a complete idiot and finish a whole bottle all at once about 3 bottles,then your asking for it.
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  • Posts: 18,666
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what creatine do you take does it effect you? in your sex-life/life

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View PostNaseer, on 08 February 2013 - 02:48 AM, said:

what creatine do you take does it effect you? in your sex-life/life

it does not affect your sex life. where are you getting these ideas from

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View PostNaseer, on 08 February 2013 - 02:48 AM, said:

what creatine do you take does it effect you? in your sex-life/life

None LOL
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Naseer, any micronized mono-creatine should be fine.

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thanks dawg

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View PostNaseer, on 08 February 2013 - 02:48 AM, said:

what creatine do you take does it effect you? in your sex-life/life
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