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hey there cp

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0 o k a z e

0 o k a z e
  • Posts: 1
    • RSN:Lucientos
    • IRC:Lucientos
    • Country:
Basic Info:

1) What is your current RuneScape Display Name?
Lucientos / RLP ME

2) What are your previous RuneScape Display Names?
0 o k a z e, 0 0 k a z e, hyphothalam, o 0 k a z e, o o k a z e

3) What is your IRC nick?
none yet =[

4) Do you plan on joining CP?
Of course. I was a member back in the day, about 6 years ago, and I would love to remeet some old friends. some people I remember are drunkin r2h, levi, sir wil pker, dr r a g e of course :) and another guy van... something was an incredible ranger

Clanning Info:

1) What clan are you currently in?

2) What are your previous clans? Please explain why you left.
only corrupt pures, first n only clan. i believe i quit rs, its been so long and i do not remember formally leaving, just dropped the game altogether

3) Where did you hear about Corrupt Pures?
i was in it :)

Real Life Info:

1) What is your real name?

2) What is your age?


3) Where are you located?
Bc, canada

4) What are some of your hobbies?
women, in all honestly i am just obsessed with women they are my world (not in the illegal stalker manner, everything is consensual :D) piano, and rs.I suppose alcohol to some extent but i'm working on that one haha.
5) Anything else you would like to add?
my main old school account is a pure and is level 85. Stats are attk:80 str:95 def:1 range:75  pray:52  mage:94 hp:87. all quests are done, max str bonus etc. But i just suck at pking, am just terrible at it LOL. kind of ironic with an account like that, but i'm hoping to get a little better through this clan. F2p pking i am epic, grew up on that.


  • Posts: 8,600
    • RSN:Chain Is Law
    • IRC:[CP]Chain
    • Country:
I remember that account but I remember when Levi used it. Hello

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  • Posts: 404
    • RSN:SAMlRO
    • IRC:Apu
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Hello and welcome!
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  • Posts: 7,253
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Welcome back man. :)

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  • Posts: 6,444
    • RSN:Zombieman35
    • IRC:[CP]Andy
    • Country:
Hello there.

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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    the ment, enjoy it.

  • Posts: 9,599
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Yo, wb.
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    The clan world revolves around CP

  • Posts: 41,730
    • RSN:UAV
    • IRC:[CP]iMerk_31s
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Nice to meet you. Come chill in #Clan-CP (IRC) and Chain is Law CC

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.


King Ryan

King Ryan
  • Posts: 1,851
    • RSN:King of CP
    • IRC:[CP]LilRyan
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Welcome back lad ;)

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Everyone add me on FB


[CP] "its not their fault they're better than us" - [IR]Zo



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    The grass ain't greener on the other side it's just blue

  • Posts: 26,333
    • RSN:Horseface
    • IRC:[CP]David
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Welcome kaze.

she send me pictures to my iphone

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then I gotta clear em cause my girl be checking my phone

Ex-@Leader of the Best & Most Aspiring Pure Clan




    "Avec tactiques supérieures."

  • Posts: 10,801
    • RSN:Drunkin R2h
    • IRC:[CP]Drunk
    • Country:
Welcome back.

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