Members Chat
Started by
, Jul 01 2013 03:45 PM
Posted 01 July 2013 - 03:45 PM

This forum is to be used to discuss matters dealing with our clan and the community privately. With the addition of this forum, I do not expect our Public access forums to decrease even the slightest in activity. Topics should only be posted here if you wish to completely keep it private within our family, rather than posting it in Public.
Here is the place for Members to discuss and post topics that will benefit our clan as a whole. Here is the place to step up and let us know that you care. Here is the place for suggestions and opinions on how we can improve. Read and respect everything posted in here because it'll be here for a reason.
- Merk
Here is the place for Members to discuss and post topics that will benefit our clan as a whole. Here is the place to step up and let us know that you care. Here is the place for suggestions and opinions on how we can improve. Read and respect everything posted in here because it'll be here for a reason.
- Merk
Founder of the following terms:
Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof
@Leader 2012-2014
Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
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