Forums are something that all clans hope their members enjoy using mainly because its the easiest source of getting out information to a ton of people at once. Here at CP, we're lucky enough to always have members who help the activity by posting topics and replies whenever they can. Even though our activity is pretty good, we can always improve because active forums = active members, which looks really good for any guests viewing our forums, possibly making them want to join in the future.
Step #1 - Visiting daily
Easy as pie, if you aren't visiting these forums whenever you get on your computer daily, whether its for 5 hours, or 5 minutes, you should definitely start. Firstly, it allows you to see if any new Announcement/Notices/Events have been posted, and it helps you stay updated with everything dealing with CP. Also, every account that has visited in the past 24 hours is added to the bottom of our forums; the bigger the number, the more it shows to us and others how active our community is.
Step #2 - Posting your input on topics that you view
Whether you view a discussion topic, or a topic that requires a simple reply like a "gratz" or "yes/no", using our forums FTC means that you will try to post your input on the majority of the topics that you view. We all post topics occasionally and when we do, we enjoy when a lot of CP reply on it. It goes both ways; when a fellow clan member spends time making a topic and you view it, post a reply of some sort!
Step #3 - Best places to find new topics to post on
Obviously, as soon as you get on our forums, the best spot to look for new topics to read/post on is on the side bar labelled "Recent Topics".
The issue with that is that it only shows the 5 most recently made topics. To find topics you haven't viewed/posted on, all you have to do is scroll to the top of our forums, and look at the top right side. You will see a button that is labelled "View New Content".
Once you click it, you'll see a whole bunch of topics that are there because they were recently posted on.
To the left of the topic titles, you'll see circles/bubbles, like above.
Circle = you haven't viewed/posted on that topic.
Bubbles = you posted on that topic already (good sign).
Been using that View New Content button for a while now and when I find topics I haven't viewed, I usually end up getting to see something important that I would have missed because I wasn't online when it was posted. Pretty helpful.
Those 3 easy steps will help you use our forums FTC and help our activity overall.
Made this while grinding that 99 Range at NMZ, hope this helps some of you guys.