Over the past few months, nobody, not even members of EOP, can argue against the fact that their clan has become irrelevant as fuck. Whether its teaming with multiple other clans to 3v1 CP, or walking around in circles around the Jolly Bar Inn for 45 minutes and ending, nothing they've done is worthy of mentioning.
Recently, EoP members have been making more and more topics attempting to get their Elders active again so they can somehow steer EoP from the iminent closure that Cronic Ko has put them in. And with every topic comes the same response of "We've already moved on, the new EoP staff know what they're doing".
Seeing this current state of EoP is expected, proving that much more on why CP is the best. When comparing EoP's ex-member base, whom the majority of have already moved on into a different clan and/or completely given up, compared to the Elders/Retirees of CP, who still check up on the status of this new age CP, prooves how commited & strong the CP family really is.
We always come out on top, so why should this time around be any different EoP? That being said, heres a little behind the scenes of Clan-EoP.
[EoP]Jonty ragging his clanchat pic takers, Nish, Murd, and Rebel, to step their game up. After all, how hard is it to take attendance of 20 people?

Drama in #Clan-EoP, will be exposing them with more in the upcoming weeks so stay tuned.