working title: [CP] F2p Saturday Feat. 4 Clans On 1 Invy! Fi Flees!
With 60 Corrupt Pures, we marched straight for the homeland and let the action come to us. LP, RD, EoP, and even Foe made rather short appearances. We later fought Fi at Vents and kept enough pressure on them to make them run and log.
Vidded by:
Corrupt Pures Vs. EoP + LP + RD + FOE
We were notified by our scouts that EoP was walking up in our world. EoP rushed north to pond when we attacked them. LP & RD showed up shortly later. After several jukes into multi, we had cleared much of the opposition, including FOE's 20 man pull. After 4 fighting these 4, we walked down to Edge for a regroup, weighed down by loot.
Corrupt Pures Vs. LP & RD
LP was found logging into single strip and were promptly hit. RD ran in late like always spamming "go multi". We waited for them out at the Black Knight's post, only to find out RD and LP walked down.
Corrupt Pures Vs. Fatality
We walked over to graveyard and saw Fatality. After some shots back and forth in single, Fi ran north. Later accepting a fight at vents, we held our ground down 20 players until they eventually ran northeast to gap and logged. Thanks for the fight.
.: Corrupt Pictures :.
-use spoiler tags when adding trip pics-
SwiftIRC Channel: #Clan-CP
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