And of all the people, I came across Allen who after some time wanted to share his thoughts and reasons for why he himself quit EOP, being a former Warlord/Elite of the clan.
Alot of funny stuff said about EOP, all from the POV of rank whos been in their staff chan/rank discussion for the past 3 months. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for EOP.
made all the funnier shit bigger text

Allen|Afk is [email protected] * [-Allen-]
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[Sat][07:30:06 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Hello Allen|Afk, you may know me as Toxine PK
[Sat][07:30:11 PM] <Allen|Afk> mhm
[Sat][07:30:15 PM] <[CP]Toxine> care to introduce yourself
[Sat][07:30:18 PM] <[CP]Toxine> to the people who will be reading this topic
[Sat][07:30:31 PM] <Allen|Afk> Ex warlord and elite of eop
[Sat][07:30:35 PM] <[CP]Toxine> about exposing EOP from the POV of a former warlord of the clan?
[Sat][07:30:39 PM] <[CP]Toxine> wow!
[Sat][07:30:44 PM] <[CP]Toxine> an Ex warlord and elite
[Sat][07:30:52 PM] <Allen|Afk> such accomplishment eh
[Sat][07:31:09 PM] <[CP]Toxine> So lets keep this short and simple Allen
[Sat][07:31:14 PM] <Allen|Afk> k
[Sat][07:31:16 PM] <[CP]Toxine> When did the problems arise in EOP?
[Sat][07:31:28 PM] <Allen|Afk> when cronic got to lead the clan
[Sat][07:31:44 PM] <[CP]Toxine> What were some problems that you and other ranks had with Cronic?
[Sat][07:31:45 PM] <Allen|Afk> its not even about problems
[Sat][07:31:49 PM] <Allen|Afk> its about not being able to lead a clan
[Sat][07:32:07 PM] <[CP]Toxine> *brings the mic closer to Allen|Afk's mouth*
[Sat][07:32:09 PM] <[CP]Toxine> do tell
[Sat][07:32:14 PM] <Allen|Afk> calling, interracting with the members and other nh stuff
[Sat][07:32:23 PM] <[CP]Toxine> no honor stuff as in?
[Sat][07:32:37 PM] <Allen|Afk> heh, the strong material of the mighty clan
[Sat][07:32:39 PM] <Allen|Afk> ill let u guess
[Sat][07:32:47 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Ddosing?
[Sat][07:32:54 PM] <Allen|Afk> ding ding, we have a winner
[Sat][07:33:06 PM] <[CP]Toxine> So besides Cronic, who else took part in the ddosing?
[Sat][07:33:12 PM] <Allen|Afk> Loobs, Sean
[Sat][07:33:22 PM] <[CP]Toxine> And whom did they ddos?
[Sat][07:33:34 PM] <Allen|Afk> Pretty much anyone who "fucked with them"
[Sat][07:34:48 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so how long have you been in EOP in 07 scape?
[Sat][07:35:18 PM] <Allen|Afk> Uhm
[Sat][07:35:23 PM] <Allen|Afk> 3 months?
[Sat][07:35:24 PM] <Allen|Afk> maybe two
[Sat][07:35:27 PM] <Allen|Afk> i got elite in two weeks
[Sat][07:35:29 PM] <Allen|Afk> thats all i know
[Sat][07:35:30 PM] <Allen|Afk> lmfao
[Sat][07:35:43 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so for the past 3 months you've been in EOP, running things with their ranks right
[Sat][07:36:00 PM] <[CP]Toxine> but you were basically a warlord/hc?
[Sat][07:36:04 PM] <Allen|Afk> correct,
[Sat][07:36:05 PM] <Allen|Afk> yep
[Sat][07:36:11 PM] <Allen|Afk> basically the leadership is biased
[Sat][07:36:20 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so tell me, from your POV, what things did the leadership of EOP do that bothered you?
[Sat][07:37:32 PM] <Allen|Afk> Favoritism, not listening to those poor lower ranks, unmuting apps during events, being scared to fight clans matched (this is why our boy Zac hated cronic pretty much) and the two lower ranks carrying the clan
[Sat][07:38:45 PM] <[CP]Toxine> in all honesty, with no bias
[Sat][07:38:49 PM] <Allen|Afk> not being able to build a core too 66cb average says everything
[Sat][07:38:53 PM] <[CP]Toxine> can you tell me what EOP's honesty approach was
[Sat][07:38:55 PM] <[CP]Toxine> vs CP
[Sat][07:39:01 PM] <[CP]Toxine> if it was a 50v50 matched fight in the wilderness
[Sat][07:39:08 PM] <Allen|Afk> kk gonna be honest in this one,
[Sat][07:39:10 PM] <[CP]Toxine> kk
[Sat][07:39:23 PM] <Allen|Afk> for CP they'd do everything
[Sat][07:39:41 PM] <Allen|Afk> but i mean
[Sat][07:39:46 PM] <Allen|Afk> RD would be around
[Sat][07:39:57 PM] <Allen|Afk> as excuse
[Sat][07:39:58 PM] <Allen|Afk> they'd use
[Sat][07:40:13 PM] <Allen|Afk> "cp doesnt deserve to have a 1v1 the scum has to be treaded like scum"
[Sat][07:40:27 PM] <[CP]Toxine> and in reality
[Sat][07:40:30 PM] <[CP]Toxine> what was their actual gameplan
[Sat][07:40:50 PM] <Allen|Afk> LMFAO now that u ask the question
[Sat][07:40:53 PM] <Allen|Afk> they had no goal
[Sat][07:40:53 PM] <Allen|Afk> no game plan
[Sat][07:40:54 PM] <Allen|Afk> nothing
[Sat][07:40:57 PM] <Allen|Afk> they'd just go out
[Sat][07:41:06 PM] <Allen|Afk> wait in fucking single for 2 hours because of a lack of leaks
[Sat][07:41:12 PM] <Allen|Afk> and they'd rely on one fucking scout
[Sat][07:41:17 PM] <Allen|Afk> we'd get 1 hit per hour max
[Sat][07:41:22 PM] <Allen|Afk> like im not even fucking joking
[Sat][07:41:26 PM] <Allen|Afk> unorganized like fuck
[Sat][07:41:28 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so tell me
[Sat][07:41:34 PM] <[CP]Toxine> recently floor came back to being a leader
[Sat][07:41:39 PM] <[CP]Toxine> has that had any effect on EOP
[Sat][07:41:43 PM] <Allen|Afk> LMFAO?
[Sat][07:41:47 PM] <Allen|Afk> floor is a +1
[Sat][07:41:50 PM] <Allen|Afk> she gets lead by elites
[Sat][07:41:53 PM] <[CP]Toxine> negative/positive outcome from her getting her leader back
[Sat][07:41:53 PM] <Allen|Afk> the fk u saying
[Sat][07:41:59 PM] <Allen|Afk> positive is mass recruiting
[Sat][07:42:00 PM] <[CP]Toxine> she gets lead by elites?
[Sat][07:42:04 PM] <Allen|Afk> negative is mass recruits are shit
[Sat][07:42:05 PM] <Allen|Afk> yes
[Sat][07:42:09 PM] <Allen|Afk> elites tell her what to do
[Sat][07:42:13 PM] <Allen|Afk> shes the clan bitch
[Sat][07:42:18 PM] <Allen|Afk> sucked goop for leader
[Sat][07:42:21 PM] <Allen|Afk> nothing else
[Sat][07:42:23 PM] <Allen|Afk> everyone in eop would agree
[Sat][07:42:28 PM] <Allen|Afk> but they're scared to speak
[Sat][07:42:36 PM] <Allen|Afk> if i was the leader
[Sat][07:42:41 PM] <Allen|Afk> she'd be the lowest rank tops
[Sat][07:42:54 PM] <Allen|Afk> cronic wouldnt even get accepted
[Sat][07:43:18 PM] <Allen|Afk> Zac was the man in eop i mean zac isnt perfect but me and him did everything
[Sat][07:43:25 PM] <Allen|Afk> he got banned for leaving for his own clan
[Sat][07:43:31 PM] <[CP]Toxine> what do you mean?
[Sat][07:43:36 PM] <Allen|Afk> he told eop
[Sat][07:43:39 PM] <Allen|Afk> 1 month ahead
[Sat][07:43:43 PM] <Allen|Afk> that hazard would be opening
[Sat][07:43:49 PM] <Allen|Afk> but he would stay quiet so no one follows him and whatnot
[Sat][07:43:56 PM] <Allen|Afk> cronic used him meanwhile
[Sat][07:43:59 PM] <Allen|Afk> for like 4weeks
[Sat][07:44:02 PM] <Allen|Afk> then when zac left
[Sat][07:44:05 PM] <Allen|Afk> he got banned
[Sat][07:44:09 PM] <Allen|Afk> and akicked from the irc channel
[Sat][07:44:15 PM] <Allen|Afk> Zac used to flame cronic 24/7
[Sat][07:44:17 PM] <Allen|Afk> becausee he was shit
[Sat][07:44:18 PM] <Allen|Afk> like
[Sat][07:44:18 PM] <[CP]Toxine> and he even gave them 1 month notice?
[Sat][07:44:21 PM] <Allen|Afk> the flames were hardcore
[Sat][07:44:24 PM] <[CP]Toxine> mhm
[Sat][07:44:25 PM] <Allen|Afk> cronic would just go quiet
[Sat][07:44:30 PM] <Allen|Afk> yea
[Sat][07:44:32 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so what were some of the stuff
[Sat][07:44:32 PM] <Allen|Afk> scumbags lol
[Sat][07:44:44 PM] <[CP]Toxine> that EOP ranks didn't like about Cronic's leading
[Sat][07:45:10 PM] <Allen|Afk> idea's, promotions, accepting everyone even tho the person is 50 combat
[Sat][07:45:10 PM] <[CP]Toxine> since it seems like hes not respected in EOP at all
[Sat][07:45:16 PM] <Allen|Afk> oh and on saturdays
[Sat][07:45:20 PM] <Allen|Afk> he'd pm foe/ct kids
[Sat][07:45:21 PM] <Allen|Afk> to come along
[Sat][07:45:23 PM] <Allen|Afk> xd
[Sat][07:46:19 PM] <[CP]Toxine> what im interested to know is
[Sat][07:46:20 PM] <[CP]Toxine> what about RD
[Sat][07:46:27 PM] <Allen|Afk> rd is our meatshield
[Sat][07:46:31 PM] <Allen|Afk> they'd rushany clan
[Sat][07:46:32 PM] <[CP]Toxine> because for the past 3 months RD and EOP have been by each other 1 mini map apart
[Sat][07:46:33 PM] <Allen|Afk> and we'd clean up after
[Sat][07:46:39 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so was this an agreement
[Sat][07:46:39 PM] <Allen|Afk> cuz its true
[Sat][07:46:41 PM] <[CP]Toxine> with RD and Eop ranks
[Sat][07:46:51 PM] <Allen|Afk> an agreement that was hidden
[Sat][07:46:51 PM] <Allen|Afk> yep
[Sat][07:47:41 PM] <Allen|Afk> no need to say that
[Sat][07:48:09 PM] <[CP]Toxine> So tell me, for the past 2 months
[Sat][07:48:13 PM] <[CP]Toxine> You, yourself have been making topics flaming CP, protecting EOP on their boards
[Sat][07:48:20 PM] <[CP]Toxine> and just recently
[Sat][07:48:26 PM] <[CP]Toxine> you quit EOP yourself
[Sat][07:48:28 PM] <Allen|Afk> i felt bad eop was getting flamed and couldnt come up with something
[Sat][07:48:30 PM] <[CP]Toxine> what brought about you quitting?
[Sat][07:48:31 PM] <Allen|Afk> to retaliate
[Sat][07:48:39 PM] <Allen|Afk> the new ranks of eop
[Sat][07:48:47 PM] <Allen|Afk> are ranks that were members for few weeks
[Sat][07:49:06 PM] <Allen|Afk> and that have no single clue when it comes to leadership mechanics
[Sat][07:49:19 PM] <Allen|Afk> they keep promoting ppl
[Sat][07:49:21 PM] <Allen|Afk> for like no reason
[Sat][07:49:26 PM] <Allen|Afk> just to make it look active i guess
[Sat][07:49:31 PM] <Allen|Afk> or to let them do the bitch work
[Sat][07:49:37 PM] <[CP]Toxine> I see.
[Sat][07:49:43 PM] <[CP]Toxine> So
[Sat][07:49:49 PM] <Allen|Afk> in his place i'd promote those cunts who have leaks spies or that somewhat can backup call during events
[Sat][07:49:50 PM] <Allen|Afk> but literally
[Sat][07:49:53 PM] <Allen|Afk> with those elites
[Sat][07:49:56 PM] <Allen|Afk> theres no potential
[Sat][07:50:01 PM] <Allen|Afk> they dont even know how to war lmfao
[Sat][07:50:02 PM] <[CP]Toxine> another subject I wanted to talk about was Jonty quitting
[Sat][07:50:07 PM] <[CP]Toxine> you can verify
[Sat][07:50:09 PM] <[CP]Toxine> that he quit right
[Sat][07:50:14 PM] <Allen|Afk> he did quit
[Sat][07:50:18 PM] <Allen|Afk> cant tell the reason tho
[Sat][07:50:21 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so you're telling me
[Sat][07:50:22 PM] <Allen|Afk> but i think the reason is obvious
[Sat][07:50:28 PM] <Allen|Afk> like everyone else
[Sat][07:50:30 PM] <Allen|Afk> it would be cronic
[Sat][07:50:31 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Jonty, high council of EOP in Pre eoc
[Sat][07:50:36 PM] <[CP]Toxine> and leader of EOP at the beginning of OSRS
[Sat][07:50:38 PM] <[CP]Toxine> has quit EOP
[Sat][07:50:41 PM] <Allen|Afk> yep
[Sat][07:50:48 PM] <Allen|Afk> most likely permanent because
[Sat][07:50:52 PM] <Allen|Afk> jonty has never left eop before
[Sat][07:51:06 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Can you name any reasons
[Sat][07:51:06 PM] <Allen|Afk> i think that
[Sat][07:51:07 PM] <[CP]Toxine> for why he left
[Sat][07:51:09 PM] <Allen|Afk> he had a huge reason
[Sat][07:51:11 PM] <Allen|Afk> to leave the clan
[Sat][07:51:14 PM] <Allen|Afk> it wouldnt only be cronic
[Sat][07:51:23 PM] <[CP]Toxine> do you think he just realized
[Sat][07:51:25 PM] <Allen|Afk> something behind the scenes
[Sat][07:51:30 PM] <[CP]Toxine> that EOP had no chance of going back
[Sat][07:51:46 PM] <Allen|Afk> hes not the only one thinking that
[Sat][07:51:52 PM] <Allen|Afk> the current ranks of eop know that
[Sat][07:51:52 PM] <Allen|Afk> i mean
[Sat][07:51:58 PM] <Allen|Afk> theres nothing to inspect,
[Sat][07:52:00 PM] <Allen|Afk> 66cb average
[Sat][07:52:09 PM] <Allen|Afk> when every other clan is 90cb+-
[Sat][07:52:15 PM] <Allen|Afk> pulling the same
[Sat][07:52:16 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Ok so basically
[Sat][07:52:29 PM] <[CP]Toxine> in the past 1-2 weeks
[Sat][07:52:31 PM] <[CP]Toxine> can you name me the people
[Sat][07:52:33 PM] <[CP]Toxine> who have quit EOP
[Sat][07:53:47 PM] <Allen|Afk> Kruq Paddle Hazard unit 10+- members Myself Jonty Braden, Sean/Nathan who gave up
[Sat][07:53:53 PM] <Allen|Afk> and a few random members i dont know
[Sat][07:54:12 PM] <Allen|Afk> but its fine they have Tristan main calling for their events tho
[Sat][07:55:07 PM] <[CP]Toxine> So to sum things up
[Sat][07:55:12 PM] <[CP]Toxine> being a former warlord of the clan
[Sat][07:55:17 PM] <[CP]Toxine> do you think theres any potential for them to get out of their slump?
[Sat][07:55:44 PM] <Allen|Afk> on behalf the ranks who am cool with, shouldn't take it personal this is directly directed to Cronic the only things he accomplished on 07 was pouring the clan in dirt
[Sat][07:55:52 PM] <Allen|Afk> the only way
[Sat][07:55:56 PM] <Allen|Afk> they'll get out of their slump
[Sat][07:55:59 PM] <Allen|Afk> is if the older ranks ocme back
[Sat][07:56:02 PM] <Allen|Afk> which is impossible
[Sat][07:56:04 PM] <Allen|Afk> because we both know
[Sat][07:56:15 PM] <Allen|Afk> that most of the oldies are done with the game (in every clan)
[Sat][07:56:30 PM] <Allen|Afk> the only way without flaming those current clans > is if they become like Fatality or MM
[Sat][07:56:38 PM] <Allen|Afk> coming back, dropping out from what they're currently doing irl
[Sat][07:56:46 PM] <Allen|Afk> and boosting eop on top
[Sat][07:57:26 PM] <[CP]Toxine> so if you were to say one thing
[Sat][07:57:33 PM] <[CP]Toxine> to any member in EOP atm
[Sat][07:57:35 PM] <[CP]Toxine> what would you say
[Sat][07:57:41 PM] <Allen|Afk> dont waste your time
[Sat][07:57:47 PM] <Allen|Afk> dont be a +1
[Sat][07:57:52 PM] <[CP]Toxine> is that how EOP ranks see their members
[Sat][07:58:40 PM] <Allen|Afk> ye lmfao
[Sat][07:58:46 PM] <Allen|Afk> they dont interract or give members time
[Sat][07:58:49 PM] <Allen|Afk> all they know is
[Sat][07:58:54 PM] <Allen|Afk> get here massing now or get kicked.
[Sat][07:59:40 PM] <Allen|Afk> those who are followers, if they became "leaders" the pure community would become the way it was in 2011
[Sat][08:00:08 PM] <Allen|Afk> in 2011, you had members but those members werent followers i would name them but theres way too many of em
[Sat][08:00:08 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Seems like theres no escape for EOP then
[Sat][08:00:24 PM] <Allen|Afk> the only way they'd have a boosting but a small one
[Sat][08:00:28 PM] <Allen|Afk> is if RD closes into em
[Sat][08:00:40 PM] <Allen|Afk> but looks like they'd rather promote some retard from LT to warlord
[Sat][08:00:44 PM] <Allen|Afk> than closing into EoP
[Sat][08:00:59 PM] <Allen|Afk> rd are poor followers
[Sat][08:01:01 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Alright well then Allen
[Sat][08:01:03 PM] <Allen|Afk> that have no clue
[Sat][08:01:06 PM] <[CP]Toxine> You've gone from a dedicated rank
[Sat][08:01:06 PM] <Allen|Afk> on how clanning works
[Sat][08:01:15 PM] <[CP]Toxine> to an ex member who has realized that theres no escape for EOP
[Sat][08:01:18 PM] <[CP]Toxine> given their current status
[Sat][08:01:30 PM] <[CP]Toxine> Thank you for this interview
[Sat][08:01:35 PM] <Allen|Afk> currently im going to bring my own taste into the game, something that is needed currently
[Sat][08:01:37 PM] <[CP]Toxine> do you have any words for anyone reading this topic
[Sat][08:01:39 PM] <Allen|Afk> as example what hazard is doing
[Sat][08:01:50 PM] <Allen|Afk> i suggest those followers realize that soon
[Sat][08:02:35 PM] <Allen|Afk> the haters blame cronic, he shoulda given me a bond