Thought it would be fun to reminisce, so here it is! Kept it pretty short with all the good details in it. Has pretty much everything related to OSRS, in our point of view. Added some hyperlinks that will link you to certain topics/vids/pics.
February 2013 - OSRS came out. Nobody knew what it would be like but quickly every clan started grinding and a few months later, the pure clanning era started again. Regular Pk trips were announced and it all began once again. CP started off as it always was, a close tight knit family. We were the only Pure clan with the balls to stay opened throughout EOC so we knew what we were capable of. Since F2P wasn't out, we were forced to adapt to the P2P styled OSRS, which eventually helped us a lot in the long run.
Towards the end of Summer, F2P was already out, and we were in a rivalry vs EOP. The rivalry pretty much started from when we beat EOP east of Mossies 35 vs 55 toward the end of our Pk trip in July, when every other clan already ended their trip. Yes, the entire experience was funny as fuck; gwas'ing their fall in leader once he stepped into multi (Cronic DDS Jew K0 Capable) and then dropping each of their members as they ran around clueless. From then on, we continued to reel EOP and rustle their jimmies every weekend. We bullied them on their anniversary weekend (some time in September) and kept the train moving; this was a few months into the rivalry and our hype was through the roof. We grew in opts, and in combat levels. Week after week we released topics leaking EOP's TS, their CC, and member boards (own members complaining about bringing mains, leaving EOP due to lack of action/pulls, ranks flaming eachother, etc) like clockwork. Tons of ranks and members left their clan to die under pressure. Obviously, once EOP started pulling single digits, and cancelling their trips to pk with other clans like FOE, and trying to join RD in our Clan Cup Full Out vs them (which we also won

Although it was hard to move forward after slumping EOP due to the fact that we had tons of leaks in them even when they pulled ~25, we started moving onto bigger things. Finally after letting them lay low for a while, EOP gave us some competition again around the beginning of 2014. We ended up pulling 70+ to a P2P Sunday, and had tons of 60+ pulling trips, which wasn't what any clan expected from CP, but the feast was worth it. We hit over 100+ on our TeamSpeak before trips, and had 50+ on TS daily, while our IRC had the most people (150+) and most activity in the entire network for months. This is when we leaked EOP's Elder and Leaderboards, and continued to stay on top. At this point, EOP slumped back down to nothing and we moved onto FI.
Being the only clan to actually fight FI in a PKRI in the wildy since the beginning of OSRS, because of the fact they outpulled everyone for a while and promoted getting 25 Def, 100+ CB, and high Attack right since the beginning of the game, we were confident we could dethrone them while we were on top; and that's exactly what we did. For the first couple weekends, we realized we pulled too much for every other clan (55 to 65 man pulls) and not quite enough for FI (75+), but we still fought them and let the lilguy clans have the trips of their lives as we weren't crashing everything.
While this was all going on, FOE had finally started to come out of their slump some time around March 2014, just in time for their anniversary. Looking back at our aftermath topics, I noticed that FOE's anniversary weekend was the same weekend that FI apparently called out a bunch of newfag clans, to give themselves some type of hype (we were the only clan capable of fighting them, still). FI prepped for a full out vs the world, when in reality it ended up being another CP vs. FI Saturday. We pulled a high ~65 while FI had about 75. We had two solid return fights that ended up getting cut off by FI both times when they pulled all the way to GDZ to regroup while we stayed in the vents east of Mossies. Sunday came along and we peaked at around ~60. We waited for EOP to actually step into the wildy for some free loot and action, but they literally sat at the ditch all trip (and fought a 2 week old clan in low level singles). FOE and CP both had about 55 an hour into the trip, so we set up a PKRI. This is where we defended on 26 Hill and quickly got the upper hand, ending in a clear 55 vs 55 victory for CP in P2P vs FOE.
Eventually, FI's pulls let up a bit, and we found ourselves fighting them matched. We quickly dethroned FI and took our #1 F2P weekend after weekend. Eventually, other clans tried stepping up to us and teamed with FI/EOP, but after oh so many trips of CP vs the world, we knew we could handle anything thrown at us. Multiple trips consisted of us fighting FI, clearing them up, and then rushing EOP nearby and walking away victorious.
As all of this was going on, Clan Wars was released which brought up another competitive aspect of the community. A month into the release, we found ourselves as the #1 matched clan, 3-0ing Fi and FOE multiple times, with other clans taking loss after loss; one clan even had a streak of 28 straight losses (lol eop). My Warlord at that point, David, brought up the fact that before Clan Wars was out, every single clan used to always use the "see you in Clan Wars CP" excuse once we smacked them in wildy, but literally a month or two after the release of Clan Wars, we were on top, and unstoppable. Truly showed our dedication to winning and was pretty ironic.
At this point, months of CP vs. FI continued and LPC clans were made. These clans only did F2P and were low levels. As the top clan, we killed FI, but of course we had our fun and bullied EOP with their 30 man pulls and so on. This led to EOP cancelling their regular timed trips, and were forced to pk with the LPC's (level 50s and 60s l0l). At the time, I was pretty hyped for the 'clean' CP vs. FI era to start up since no other clans would be around to crash/snipe/etc, but unfortunately they chose to step away from the competition and followed the LPC's.
The pure community ended up being re-established in a way, with a ton of more clans and members in the community itself. We continued our reign in matched opts fights at Clan Wars; 3-0ing FI and losing only 6 members total by the end of the three rounds. Clans avoided asking us for matched Preps just because of how dominant we were. We also pulled 40+ easily, to random 30 min preps we would get. Multiple clans all pulled about the same at this point and the wildy had a good amount of action on weekends.
Towards the end of the 2014 Summer, multiple LPC clans that opened earlier ended up closing and a more solidified pure community was seen. Nothing really drastic happened for multiple months. CP was stable with our pulls and the matched opts domination continued. We continued to demoIish clans in the wildy, and even had a trip that included us beating FI + EOP + FOE on the same inventory, 1 vs 3. An undefeated Clan Wars win streak also came around this time too, which was impressive. I then went inactive from September until December so I can't speak from my experience anymore, but from what I've seen, a solid core was built and our pulls fluctuated throughout the time.
A new staff team, and tons of new faces have been seen around our community now, too. We've pulled ~50+ for the past multiple weekends without even stressing anything, which says a lot about CP in general. All in all, OSRS has been a great experience for me, so I felt like having all the benchmarks of the clanning world written down somewhere, from our POV, especially since we've been so successful.
tl;dr: We've held the #1 wildy clan spot for months and months, smacked every clan in Clan Wars (3-0'd every single clan multiple times), and dominated the entire community in multiple different ways. History repeats itself.
Love you all xoxo. Hope you enjoyed.
2015 will definitely be just as great as the rest