Due to the recent influx of scams and hacks from the results of training/questing services, there will be ZERO training/questing services. All of these services must be completed off of CP forums, and you are taking the risk yourself in order to have your account trained. No statuses, forums posts, Teamspeak usernames, or anything like that.
If you do decide to use someone for a training service, make sure you do use a middle man and realize that you are risking your entire account with them. We cannot stop you from using training services, but make sure you are making smart decisions on who you choose to use. Their rank should not influence how you decide, such as a Legend vs. a Hero. Make sure you are using the Runescape Authenticator, a secure password that both people can use, and a way to ensure you're not being scammed such as a bank pin or removing all of the items.
We want everyone to have the best accounts they can have, and realize that some people simply do not have the time to train up accounts themselves, but please be smart about powerleveling. You may be saving a few hours of your time, but one day it could cost you your entire account.