Today we peaked at 50 Corrupt Pures later peaking at 55 and managed to do as we always do, abuse clans to the max. Today we fought Fatality couple times but they were crashed by irrelevant clans heh. Thanks for the fights Fi.
CP Members for showing up!
Fi for the fights!
RD for being irrelevant once again.. Stay ez.
Salty clans.
Corrupt Pures vs. Fatality I
We asked Fatality for a fight. They defended south of the Palace in Al-Kharid and we rushed from the west. We were aggressive from the very beginning and got a lot of piles down quickly. Our south part did the most of the job dropping like 10 Fi members. When our south side was about to wrap around, an irrelevant clan (RD+Mains) crashed from the north trying to claim some fake ass win so we focused on them. Theres only one world to describe the fight, a slaughter. We had much lower opts due to the fight vs Fi but this didnt stop us from killing their level 70s with msb and red dhide chaps making them having 10 man clumps (l0l). Ater 5 minutes they retreated towards Bank so we got a fall in and banked our loots. Thanks for the loots RD and stay ez.
Corrupt Pures Starting: 50 |â–º| Ending: 42 people inside the Bank.
Fatality Starting: 50 |â–º| Ending: 38 people inside the Bank
Redemption+Mains Starting: 50 |â–º| Ending: 25 people inside the Bank
Corrupt Pures vs. Fatality II
We asked Fatality for another fight but this time in Khazard Battlefield just south west of Ardy. We defended south and Fi north. Not much to say, fight lasted 2 minutes due to every pure clan crashing lmfao. Ty.
Corrupt Pures Starting: 45 |â–º| Ending: 38
Fatality Starting: 50 |â–º| Ending: 45+
Corrupt Pures vs. Fatality III
Our last fight of the day was at Al-Kharid again. Our south side was doing work but once again.. Clans crashed so we dipped out heh. Ty Fi.
After this we banked our gear and returned with rag gear ready to get loots from the crashers and we just did that L0L. Thanks and make sure to idle in #Salty
Thanks for reading our topic. There are no flames intended.
.: Corrupt Pictures :.
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