We are currently sponsored with the dicing channel #CoraDyce as of today. To support this sponsorship, all you have to do is join their channel in IRC.
What does this mean?
This means that they pay us to idle in their channel. It's pretty much free GP that goes into our clan just by joining and sitting in a channel whenever you are online. (Lol get a BNC you fhaking idiets!)
I know that we've had past sponsorships which didn't really pay us that well, but this time around, we will be getting a pretty decent amount so please do your part and idle if you want to support the things listed below.
- These forums and TS cost $$ that Drunk has to pay for out of his own pocket, so being able to get some GP on the side and put it towards those costs helps.
- Making saturday+sunday trips fun with locations of other clans isn't free.
- Possible contests in the future with bigger GP rewards.
If you're going to idle, I suggest you to have a [CP] tag so they can see that you are there because of us.

Started by
, Feb 11 2016 01:55 PM
Posted 11 February 2016 - 01:55 PM

Ex @High Council 2014 - 2017
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