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To NME: Your case will be dismissed.

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$iP K E D

iP K E D
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I'm going to break this post down for you guys, and show you how much bullshit that truly horrible clan full of inbreds is made of.

Lets get straight to it then. On the first line something jumps out at me. "We would never force you guys to get defence". Is that right Chain? Correct me if I'm wrong, but a few months ago when times were extremely hard for CP, did you or did you not make a post deeming everybody with less than 100 combat and less than 30 defence effectively "useless"? Now I don't know man, but you accuse us of having double standards and then blurt out some egotistical nonsense like that in an attempt to take the moral high-ground over us? Sorry to burst your fucking bowlcut bubble, but you will never have the moral high-ground over us as you still accept rune. Run along little boy.

Next, you mention how we had pride over being pure. I'll be the first to admit this, we did. However, we forfeited that pride and any "pure" title that went with it when we changed requirements. We know we are no longer a pure clan and we accept this. CP however, well it's all in the name, isn't it? Corrupt Pures. Kind of hypocritical to attempt to shoot someone down over acting pure when you yourselves are doing it more than anyone. Don't get me started on that "the new pure standard" picture you posted a few weeks ago which was subsequently ridiculed by every single clan in existance. You disgust me.

You say that our req change was down to CP. I'm not going to lie, you contributed to it. No more so than any of the other clans though. Z, FI, CP, TLP, EOP, FOE and all the other clans that currently accept adamant had an equal contribution to our decision as you did. Don't go thinking you caused it, we wouldn't give you the fucking privelige of thinking your waste of space that you call a clan has any impact on our clan whatsoever. The only "impact" per se that you will have on us is the five seconds it will take us to remove your rotting carcasses from the bottom of our boots when we fucking curb stomp your shit clan.

Moving on. You say that our members should feel betrayed by us accepting 30 defence. Oh Chainy boy, on the contrary; they should be proud. You see, what you don't realise is when we had the poll up the members voted as an overwhelming majority in favour of accepting 30 defence. All we did as staff members was listen to our members voices and acted upon what they wanted. We didn't betray them, we didn't cause them to feel used; we listened to them. Something you don't do when you feed your members all the propaganda possible in order to keep them within CP and avoid the imminent slump.

So, members of CP who will no doubt be reading this. Why are you allowing yourself to be subjected to such utter nonsense by one of the worst leaders in the history of this game? All you have to do is remember how good Sudden Death were and you will realise where your clan is headed under the leadership of this retard. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Enemy now accepts 35 defence so you can come apply to a good clan like Enemy rather than wasting your time on weekends sitting at mossies killing one itemers for KDR. I know which clan I'd choose.


Earlier Today, Scott from a clan known as NME a.k.a Bowlcuts, decided it would be fun to 'reply' to the announcement Chain had recently made. This nasal kid couldn't resist minding his own bowlcut of a buisness, thus making Evan mad! I think Scott studies Law at university yet his post was so flawed lmfao. I think we'll be the ones dismissing the court case once NME closes.

Well Mr. Scotty, we never forced our members to get 30+ defence, we have always left defence as a personal choice for our members. Just because we have set a long term goal of achieving 100+ combat, does not mean that this must be achieved through the means of training defence. Seems like that bowlcut has knocked the sense out of your brain. About accepting rune, you must be kidding lol. Feel free to pm me all the members in CP above 40 defence. I can't deny the fact that we have let a member come to trip who is above 40 defence, simply because he got hacked and is still willing to build a new pure for CP. I'd call that dedication my friend and we'll always have the moral high-ground over you kids. Init blud.

Lets continue. The word 'Pure' has several meanings: http://dictionary.re...com/browse/pure. We have never referred to our selves as pures, maybe back in the day we did; But nowadays we're called Addy Daddys. We created 20 defence pures. We created 30 defence pures. We created 35 defence pures. Your clan has just failed to achieve what was never achievable - being a successful 'Pure' clan. 'The new pure standard' is a fact, it can't be denied so hold onto your bowlcuts and enjoy the image our awesome GFX crew has made.

Your third point mentions that: Z, FI, CP, TLP, EOP, FOE and all the other clans that currently accept adamant had an equal contribution in influencing your decision in accept addy. Oh please sir! Give me a break. How the fuck can you mention Z, FI, TLP, EOP, FOE? The only clans you had been fighting over the past few months are xL, IR, POP etc. If those clans influenced your decision making to get defence, by all means I applaud them because they all smacked you left and right. We bullied your clan and it is more likely we will continue curb stomping your clan. Even with your addy, Prateek still calls more transitions then a game of chess. Awful.

The concept that was glued into your thick skulls of being the best 'pure clan' was all a dream. Not only you betrayed your members, you betrayed yourselves. All the hype you built up of being a 1-10 def clan has crumbled. All that flame towards addy has gone to waste. Now thats what I call hypocrisy. We offered you 1 defence fights but you couldn't hack it, your clans a joke and is full of excuses. We do not spend our trips killing 1 itemers, we fight proper clans unlike you kids killing massers. Our crib may be at moss giants, but at the end of the day your hometown is edge. Nuff said.

Whether you allow addy or not, we will continue to chokehold your clan until you guys feel the need to tap out. You can team with all the clans you want, it will not matter to us. Every trip, our members will pleasure feasting on you little kids. You will not do a thing to us. All these claims you have made to do to CP have failed and karma has hit you hard. By the way, nice pock marks. Maybe you should invest into some clearasil rather than adamant.

TL;DR: We slumped your clan, raped your shitty alliance and gave you no other option that to get defence. Nice bowlcut bro.

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    One & Only

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NME staff have no idea what they are doing, just trying to stay off their knees. After countless months of chasing them world after world, making them log out on sight, and ending their trips in the first hour, they finally decided to do the unimaginable, the one thing that their clan 'stood' for.

Regardless this doesn't change anything only the fact that more people will leave faster after this little group of band waggoning applicants realize that this clan truly has nothing to show for.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

@Leader 2010-2012

^Elder Dec. 2012~

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I have never been more proud in my life.

Corrupt Pures ~ The reason you are training your defence.

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good read ipked

lol nme, gl rebuilding br0s maybe next time!

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    Founder of Corrupt Pures

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View PostChain, on 13 March 2012 - 11:49 AM, said:

I have never been more proud in my life.

Corrupt Pures ~ The reason you are training your defence.
new low countries sig :3

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.


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I can't wait for Scott's response to this


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View PostChain, on 13 March 2012 - 11:49 AM, said:

I have never been more proud in my life.

Corrupt Pures ~ The reason you are training your defence.

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NME ffs D:

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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    Niggas Gona Nig

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Nme have abandoned the reason and basis for their clan and instead have became followers and not leaders. They have now thrust themselves into a situation where they are just a bad adamant clan at this moment and nothing else. They are no longer a leader among pures but now a follower of nothing what they stood for. If a person now wants to join a addy clan they will look to cp eop and fi first rather than nme. What your clan thinks will save you will now destroy you because you are no longer a pure clan and not even a good adamant clan. Good luck recruiting and rebuilding.


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Corrupted since February 12, 2009.
High Council 2010-2012

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