It's that time of the year again boys, the spring awards.
All the winners have well earned and deserved their award(s).
For those who didn't win, don't be discouraged, try and win an award next time.
Let's get on to the winners!
Gratz to:
- Best Rank: Sam
- Favourite Rank: Jordai
- Favourite Legend: Wata
- Favourite Hall of Famer: Blitze

- Funniest Member: Mailing Time
- Coolest New Member: Taneks
- Smartest Rank: Drunk
- Sexiest Voice: Andrew
- Most Missed (Elder/Retired): Fatal
- Most Active New Member: X O
- Most Helpful: Fistpuncher1
- Most Trustworthy: Ricke
- Most Potential: Nate
- Most Improved: Six
- Most Respected: Drunk
- Most Humble:Blitze
- Most Motivational: Inu
- Most Dedicated: Sam
- Most Active Member:: Teboo
- Most Active On TS: Andrew
- Most Active On IRC: Joey Venom
- Most Active On Forums: Jasper
- Most 4ner:Zack
- Best Looking: Joey Venom
- Best Recruiter: Sam
- Best Returner: Deziqn
- Best Caller: six

- Best Background Caller: Jordai, Inu, F0rk

- Best Troll: Mailing Time
- Best Brid: Stoned
- Best Tank: Shiny
- Best F2P Warrer: Franco
- Best P2P Warrer: Ricke
- Best F2P Pker:

- Best P2P Pker: Doglet
- Best Vidder: Jordai
- Best Trainer: Ezena
- Best Account: Neal
- Best E-Couple: Sam and Jordai
- Best Spammer (ingame): Merk
- Best E-Thug: Chemz
- Biggest One Bang:Sam
Corrupted, since 2009
@Leader of #Team-B, 2009-2012
@Warlord of team #Dutchies, 2011-2012
Still part of the
^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat
In the mix..



"Everyone is a fish, But if you judge a tree by its ability to climb a genius,
it will live its whole life believing its stupid" - Einbert Albstein
LowCountries (level-23)
http://images.wikia.com/runescape/images/archive/5/51/20101104013324%21Attack-icon.png [ 30/40 ] http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091205042557/runescape/images/archive/3/3e/20110305005001%21Strength-icon.png [ 31/99 ] http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091205043728/runescape/images/archive/d/d8/20101103052103%21Defence-icon.png [ 1/39 ] http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091205042556/runescape/images/archive/7/72/20110305012248%21Ranged-icon.png [ 1/1 ] http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120121220331/runescape/images/2/24/Prayer-icon.png [ 9/44 ] http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090626021003/runescape/images/archive/7/77/20091205042606%21Magic-icon.png [ 4/99 ] http://images.wikia.com/runescape/images/archive/0/09/20111122192106%21Hitpoints-icon.png [ 10/90 ]
Guest - Applicant - New member - Member - Advanced member - Oldschool - Council - Elder
^ This is gay as fuck David, and so are you. ^