What is your RuneScape Display Name?
What timezone do you live in?
answer here: EST
Who do you know in CP? How long have you known them?
answer here: I was brought here by potter like 3-4 years ago from rd, since I have made friends in cp most from deadman mode
Does anyone else have access to your account?
answer here: not to my knowledge
Post a screenshot of your current stats. Include your Display Name in the picture.
-- yes i know i need wcing, yes ill have it in a day or so
Please provide us with a screenshot of your dangerous return sets, including your Display Name. (At least 10 F2P & P2P sets)
List every clan you have been ever been in or applied for (we will know). List the account name you were in the clan on, the highest rank you achieved in the clan, and how long you were in it. If CP is your first clan, please say so.
answer here: in 2007 rs ive only been in rd and hung out in cp clan chat and attended various pk trips. I've been in many deadman clans and competed in dmm at highest levels. In pre eoc I did a lot with low pure clans and spent most of my time in EOC (elite obby clan) which was a huge 30 and under attack clan pre eoc.
We have Mandatory Pk Trips on both Saturday AND Sunday at 4 PM EST (9 PM GMT, 1 PM PST). We begin gathering ingame for these events 30 minutes prior. Can you make a majority of these PK trips?
answer here: Yes! and I look forward to doing so now that I have prep reqs.
It is required that clan members have both IRC and TS3 to communicate with members and ranks. Please post a screenshot of you in both IRC (#Clan-CP) and our TeamSpeak 3 server (ts.cp-rs.com).
used to have clan friend rank for like 2-3 years idk what happened to that
Have you added the following people in game?: Chain Is Law, Drunkinr2h, Opening:
Filling out this application isn't enough. We expect outstanding ingame, forum, IRC, and TS activity from all Corrupt Pures. Make yourself feel at home through the use of all communication methods listed above. Once suspected as inactive you may be removed from the clan. Do you understand this?
answer here: Yes, I do. I have been reluctant to put alot of time into the clan previously because I hadn't had the prep reqs, but now that I do I will be much more active.
Please post a screenshot of a Weekend trip you have attended. You may leave this blank until you have attended one. Let us know once you update it though!
answer here: As I said before I have been to quite a few pk trips, I havent been to any of the big official trips lately as until august I haven't played much besides dmm and since then ive been grinding prep reqs.