Corrupt Pures (est. 2004) is an Old School RuneScape pure clan. We accept ANYONE into our community, but depending on your RuneScape stats the events you may attend could be limited. To attend a majority of weekday events, you must have: 98+ strength, 96+ range, 60+ attack, 43+ prayer, and 1-39 defense. We are more lenient with who can attend weekend events, to find out if you are eligible simply contact a staff member and we can assist you.
Innovation has always been our strong suit. Creating new mindsets and ways of doing things has always been what we do best. With saying that, you'll find out on this topic that joining CP is unlike any other clanning experience.
1) Your first step in joining CP is creating an introduction (to do so you must have a registered account here on our forums - hit Create Account on the top right if you haven't done this yet and then come back here), this is so we can get to know you a bit. It assures us you know how to work our forums and it gives us an idea of what kind of person you are. To find where to create your introduction, go to the Introduce Yourself forum found in the same category (Initiation) as this forum. In this forum you will find one pinned topic called "Introduction Format", view it and copy and paste the questions into a new topic by going back to the Introduce Yourself forum and clicking "Start New Topic". Paste the questions into the big box and answer them to the best of your ability. Please make the Topic Title what you want to go by in our community. Hit the "Post New Topic" button when finished.
2) Introduction posted? Sweet. The one requirement when it comes to joining our community is TeamSpeak 3. TeamSpeak 3 is a voice communication software. Please download it, simply google TeamSpeak 3 and figure it out. If you need help with selecting which one to download and/or how to work it, get in contact with a staff member (possibly let us know in your Introduction topic). Once you have TeamSpeak 3, please connect to our server. The address is:
3) When you connect please ask for a Leader, you can find out the current Leader's of the clan by viewing the staff table found on our homepage. Once you are speaking with a Leader let them know you are looking to join and we will begin the screening process. We will ask you a few questions to see if you match what we are looking for here in CP, and if we feel it's a good match, will reward you with the Member rank here on our forums and in our TeamSpeak.
It's that simple. We're looking forward to seeing your Introduction and getting to know you. Welcome home!

How to become a Corrupt Pure
Started by
, Oct 13 2016 11:53 AM
Posted 13 October 2016 - 11:53 AM

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