I planned to release this after punishing Olympus this weekend for piping up. However, they decided to cancel their pk trips simply because they couldn't pull over 30.
We did this to you

More smart 2k15 clanners "ignore cp". No shit, you guys won't ever be able to compete.
Their no namer high council knows they won't last vs CP.

Inner clan drama

Bvg trying to pipe up with mains, yet cry when other clans bring mains. l00000l, you dumb fucking rat.

Fat redneck, Hunter, raging at his whole staff team.
He knows their shitty decisions to mess with CP will end with the closure of OP.

Olympus are so dead that they're willing to post fake P2P midweek topics. (LOL)

Here we have BvG accepting the fact his clan is shit. Yes, half of your clan consists of leaks.
Elders crying about the dead activity

Imagine begging LPC's for members in order to have decent trips LMFAO (we still kill you btw)

And last but not least, faking a death of their member just to get their dead clan out of a slump.


More to come if you ever pipe up again.
#Clan-CP for a way out.