The greatest f2p pure clan set out with 105 Corrupt Pures for the first trip of 2017.
It was total annihilation as soon as we set foot in the wilderness as we had long encounters with CD mainly.
We spread like wildfire hungry to ignite and slaughter anything that came in our paths.
The first action of the day came when we ran riot against Fatality at west bandit camp as they put up a fight down 50 for 10 seconds but quickly departed the massacre that was happening as they dropped in double figures very quickly. We chased around EOP and FOE aswell but they managed to logout a few times and escape the carnage that was coming their way. We did catch alot of their stragglers who were too slow to react to the incoming fireball.
CP vs CD + Apex
We finally ran into CD who had the same numbers as us at west CA in lvl 13 wild. As it was low wilderness a lot of our higher levels couldn't attack their lower levels so we moved the fight to corp hill where the massacre began. For some reason Apex were sniping us in the fight but we were only focused on CD who dropped from 80 to 60 and just kept on dropping numbers after a intense 10 minute battle. During the onslaught we never went down opts and came back stronger as our return unit was insane as we maintained 70+ the whole fight ending with almost 90 as we cleared CD to 35 opts and they ran to single.
We sniffed out Fatality in the centre of castle and butchered them as they tried to flee around the castle begging for mercy from the extermination squad. After playing cat and mouse for 10/15 minutes around the castle they finally fled the bloodshed and called it a day.
CP vs CD
The castle cluster began as we tried to fight CD at mossies but they didn't follow us there even though they were hitting us in singles at west grave. We literally invited them to fight us at mossies as we were going up there (CD sniping us from behind) but they ended pursuit at level 20 which was probably best for them heh.
The castle fight was total mayhem as there were 4/5 clans fighting at once inside at all floors of the of the castle. The battle took place for over an hour as clans were battling it out for #1 but ofcourse CP tore apart any clan that came in our way as we were always up opts on every clan throughout the whole fight. With EOP relegated to camping returners and Rage / Supremacy nowhere to be seen after an hour of battle it was CP vs CD for the last portion of the war as CP were always up opts in the onslaught.