Today the blood thirsty Corrupt Pures left the G.E with 60 later peaking at 70 as we had juicy encounters with clans & other main teams.
@Jordai POV:
To start the day off we ran into Eop who had the same numbers as us north of boneyard and fought for 5 minutes in a stale mate with random mains camping our members from the south and went on until several clans / teams crashed the fight coming from singles.
CP vs CT & Eos
As we were waiting for some action to start we ran into Cutthroat at corp hill where they got cleared easily. We later found them at boneyard again and chased them east where they teled / got cleared again. We also had encounters with Eos smoking them in quick succession every time they came close to us.
CP vs Apex
We found Apex at north-east ruins in singles and they decided to hit us which proved costly for them. Most of the fighting was in singles but a few of their members stepped into multi where they got annihilated puff puff, the fight ended after their few remaining members scattered.
We rushed Eop who was stood at corp hill and the battle lasted for a few minutes until a few clans crashed the fight from all directions. We quickly teled out and got a regroup to re rush the fight where we fought Foe matched as some of our slow members were taking their time to return but that didn't stop us from dominating Foe as we were dropping them left right & centre. The fight ended after they ran south / teled out.