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Nothing special but another one down on the road to 2k

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    Thank CP

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<00:01:42> "Carlitos": it's the size of my iphone 7 PLus

<00:01:44> "Carlitos": exact

<00:01:48> "[Chain] Chain": damn

<00:01:50> "[Chain] Chain": thats a nice sized cock

The Homies <3


$Ash Ketchum

Ash Ketchum

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gratz bro me mailing time and nu biker makin da cp zerker unit soon

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    💯 💯

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Nice mate, this account is sick af, but ur pure is even better.

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    Thank CP

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View PostAsh Ketchum, on 19 March 2017 - 06:08 PM, said:

gratz bro me mailing time and nu biker makin da cp zerker unit soon
Nice do it up. W25 squadron inc.

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<00:01:42> "Carlitos": it's the size of my iphone 7 PLus

<00:01:44> "Carlitos": exact

<00:01:48> "[Chain] Chain": damn

<00:01:50> "[Chain] Chain": thats a nice sized cock

The Homies <3




    Thank CP

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View PostMoe, on 19 March 2017 - 06:08 PM, said:

Nice mate, this account is sick af, but ur pure is even better.
Thanks haha. Just bought 99 con and herb, not sure whether to use the supplies on my 1def or the zerk though. Likely going to just use them on the 1Def.

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<00:01:42> "Carlitos": it's the size of my iphone 7 PLus

<00:01:44> "Carlitos": exact

<00:01:48> "[Chain] Chain": damn

<00:01:50> "[Chain] Chain": thats a nice sized cock

The Homies <3




    💯 💯

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View PostSepevo, on 19 March 2017 - 06:10 PM, said:

View PostMoe, on 19 March 2017 - 06:08 PM, said:

Nice mate, this account is sick af, but ur pure is even better.
Thanks haha. Just bought 99 con and herb, not sure whether to use the supplies on my 1def or the zerk though. Likely going to just use them on the 1Def.
Do whatever you want. Recommend that u use it on the pure though.

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    Thank CP

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View PostMoe, on 19 March 2017 - 06:14 PM, said:

View PostSepevo, on 19 March 2017 - 06:10 PM, said:

View PostMoe, on 19 March 2017 - 06:08 PM, said:

Nice mate, this account is sick af, but ur pure is even better.
Thanks haha. Just bought 99 con and herb, not sure whether to use the supplies on my 1def or the zerk though. Likely going to just use them on the 1Def.
Do whatever you want. Recommend that u use it on the pure though.
Yea lately I've just been working on AFK stuff on the zerker anyway so I think i'll just keep going with that, and end up using the supplies on the 1Def. ~1900 total on a 1Def would look pretty awesome anyway lol.

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<00:01:42> "Carlitos": it's the size of my iphone 7 PLus

<00:01:44> "Carlitos": exact

<00:01:48> "[Chain] Chain": damn

<00:01:50> "[Chain] Chain": thats a nice sized cock

The Homies <3




    💯 💯

  • Posts: 1,990
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View PostSepevo, on 19 March 2017 - 06:17 PM, said:

View PostMoe, on 19 March 2017 - 06:14 PM, said:

View PostSepevo, on 19 March 2017 - 06:10 PM, said:

View PostMoe, on 19 March 2017 - 06:08 PM, said:

Nice mate, this account is sick af, but ur pure is even better.
Thanks haha. Just bought 99 con and herb, not sure whether to use the supplies on my 1def or the zerk though. Likely going to just use them on the 1Def.
Do whatever you want. Recommend that u use it on the pure though.
Yea lately I've just been working on AFK stuff on the zerker anyway so I think i'll just keep going with that, and end up using the supplies on the 1Def. ~1900 total on a 1Def would look pretty awesome anyway lol.
That was what I was thinking. But 2k+ would look even better, gl training my dude.

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get defence next

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Persian Tom

Persian Tom

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gz bud

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