Alright basically simple as this, you follow this it will be successful.
1. Mass up 15+ CP members in a channel daily move up in teamspeak trip channel.
2. Mass at w8 edge bank, download garys hood auto typer.
3. Auto type the clan chat for about 20-30 minutes basically whole entire mass period.
4. You should be able to get another 10 guys, you give them a team cape get them on teamspeak. Do this everyday we'll have tons of new core members and even pull 50+ to midweeks.
5. Walk around ca/hillz/sperm etc kill randoms, recruit them to the pk public cc: Chain is Law.
It will be worth it because we'll literally pull 70s to weekends on both f2p days sat/sun.

How To Do Midweeks
Started by
, Apr 04 2017 09:16 AM
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