For a few of you who don't know how to approach someone about pure clanning whenever you'd want to bring them into the clan, here's a way i've been using since pre EOC.
I usually approach pures after looking them up asking, "Yo aren't you [insert random actual clan here](the reason I say actual clan so that way if their in an opposing clan they'll more than likely say "No im in such&such" ; This approach works so well in my clanning history easily 9/10 & saves you time & effort
From there you'd talk to them about CP, I usually say ,
"Oh I thought you were, lol im apart of Corrupt Pures we fight them alot" - "We've been around 12+ years you could YouTube us, may I add you?" easily from there it's sure or not at the moment. W/e they add me I always say "Thanks for letting me add you bro, yeah we have a cc "Chain is Law" come in . That's whenever you say something like "Hey fellas quit your pking to welcome "recruit_name"
Adding the recruit is very important because throughout the week you wanna let them know if we have events going on & could ask all the questions personally rather than in cc about Teamspeak or coming on the forums just in case they blow you off, you don't want that being something shown publicly. Honestly just common you'll come across people who are afraid of coming on those due to past hacks or just personal safety, don't feel bad.
Whenever the recruit comes into TS contact an admin on TS by poking to give CF then moving the recruit into a 2/3 person room because we don't have any idea about the person or how they feel about trolls like some of the Teamspeak comedians *not saying names* we have in the channels. From there you wanna speak to your person one on one, welcoming yourself & lay the ground about the clan, the teamspeak for what it's used for & the type of dumbasses we harbor & warn them about the banter (not to take it to heart), the events we have, the clanning scene & get them to ask you questions. From there you'll tell them about to sign up on forums if they didn't check it out yet, dont pressure them ofc but just assure them with that they'll get added into clanchat. From there w/e their signing up you wanna contact a admin who used to be leader or HC to help reassure about the recruit, let them get their words in about CP & to the recruit as well. From there it's all up to our ranks to choose what's right ofc but you've done your part & welcomed someone into our community! From there if all goes well tell them to bookmark the TS server & intro up. After the intro i'd tell the recruit "Let's go down a channel." From there you go into a channel with your guys you're really cool with & welcome them to the other guys in the channel & tell them to post on intro, make sure you reassure the recruit to stay active on TS & check forums at the very least once a day along with setting a site avatar.
If the person is hesitant on coming on TeamSpeak or Forums
If they don't want to come on TS let them know we also have discord & that's w/e I pm them my Discord name & add them on discord (not to the offical CP Discord yet) reassure them that Teamspeak will be easier to communicate on there along with the fact we have a history of YouTube videos & we're the real deal. From there they'll be probs 50/50 but work your magic if this situation happens
- Tell them to YouTube us along with checking out the offical CPtube channel
- Get them to add you
- Welcome them to clanchat
- talk one on one