Contesting Teams:
#. "Team Name" - @Forum Name & @Forum Name
1. "High Rollers" - @Disloyal & @@Stoned
2. "Sik Cunts" - @$Shiny & @$2pac
3. "The Lost Boys of Neverland" - @@Chain & Andre
4. "No Bidar, No Worries" - @@Moe & @$Deziqn
5. "Fury" - @ & @Couch
6. "De Druiloortjes" @$Jasper & @$SwanZiE
7. "Britbongs R Us" - @Sensitive & @Im Jay
8. "Team Teemu" - @$Zack & @Creamypies
9. "White Bars" - @$Fatal & @Ricke
10. "Leet Tactics" - @Juicy Pears & @$Sam
11. "Matched Team #1" @Akahana & @`Spam
12. "Matched Team #2" - @$Chris & @Hoomeses
13. "Higher Force" - @@SZN & @KFC
14. "Putin's Hitmen" - @Soufiane & @@Blue
Round 1 Fights:
Team Teemu VS White Bars
High Rollers VS Higher Force
Fury VS Matched Team #2
Britbongs R Us VS Leet Tactics
De Druiloortjes VS Matched Team #1
The Lost Boys of Neverland VS Putin's Hitmen
Please execute your fights in the Clan Wars free-for-all portal and inform @Disloyal of the results.
Contact your opponents ASAP to arrange the fight. You have 5 days to complete your fight or else your teams (or the inactive team) will be disqualified.