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Bitch arms- need some tri workouts

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  • Posts: 265
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Soo I have some bitch-ass-pussy arms and I need to know some GOOD tricep workouts that have good results.. I already know plenty of bicep workouts but I've worked plenty of bicep and barely any tri so my arms will get 2x bigger when I start tearing up my tri's.  Thanks errbody




    The Dutch Legend

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push ups all day babe


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eat food l0l

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  • Posts: 265
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i eat plenty.. i'm an ectomorph m8



  • Posts: 918
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k, if someone tels you pushups, tell them to fuck themselves in the ass

Do dips

Be sure to keep your elbows in.

You can also put your feet up on a chair and do them for faster results


R.I.P Pinkaroundme - August 23, 2003 - October 24th, 2010

Pinkaroundme Was Resurrected From the Dead On May 19th, 2014

Part of Corrupt Pures since October 1st, 2009

Former High Council of Corrupt Pures

"Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground;

for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art,

and unto dust shalt thou return."

-Genesis 3:17-19 King James Bible




    The clan world revolves around CP

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Dips look very helpful, try those

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@Leader 2012-2014

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try dips :)

and do leg workouts to boost testosterone levels ;D

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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  • Posts: 1,981
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I used to have bitch arms. Just look at my progress thread. U mirin?
******CP MASTER RACE******
Feb. 15 09'


  • Posts: 459
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Compound movements,such as bench hits trceps,can even throw in some board presses if you havyou can throw in some isolation movements after but compounds will always be #1..as for dips its good exercise but with great exercises comes great risks.tricep cable bar pushdowns are pretty good aswell when you do them properly with elboe a spotter

Edited by Pop, 21 April 2012 - 09:30 PM.

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D An Iel

D An Iel
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View PostFeelthef1re, on 18 April 2012 - 02:45 PM, said:

try dips :)

and do leg workouts to boost testosterone levels ;D

PROUD OverLord Of Onslaught
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