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[CP] Action Packed Sunday ~ YOLO


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Today Corrupt Pures set out with 30 people, which later peaked at 35 during the trip. We prepared for this P2P trip to have tons of fun as it was our last, and we wanted to end this era with a bang. We did just that, fighting Fi, Hz, MM, & picking off some Eop+TLP. After every clan except for MM,Fi * Foe ended, we ended as well. We ended with 25 people and a smile on each of our faces. Thanks everyone for the fights today & thanks to every dedicated member who stayed online for the 2 hour duration of this trip. Good luck and respect to every clan that decides to stick with RS after this combat update.
KDR of the day
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Corrupt Pures Vs Final Ownage Elite vs Fatality Vs Mayhem Makers
During our mass a Foe rank dropped a pm to a CP official asking for us to team with them to take on the big boys, at first we thought hell no why the **** would we do that. But after a bit of thinking and it being 4:00 pm Lord Drunk came up with a great idea, this idea consisted of getting in FOES Friends chat and taking a fall in with them, and of course the plan was to gwas them 30v60. After walking around from South west BH crater to mossies we were waiting for the right time to do this. But before we could do anything Mayhem Makers rushed, then along came Fatality. This fight took place north of mossies with all 4 clans going at it. CP kept off foe to see if the plan could wait for later, meanwhile we focused on Fi+MM and managed to get a 18 kill 15 deaths kdr and managed to dip with our tasty loot.
Corrupt Pures vs Hazard+Team Bacon Strips
After escaping with our loot and Foe pretty much getting cleared we decided to cancel the Gwas plan and do something else instead, we approached hazard ranks for a PKRI. They accepted and we agreed to fight at vents by corp. As we rushed it appeared we were rushing Team Bacon strips and only 2 hazard around. After killing a bunch of mains for some good loot Hazard 5 minutes later get a bank and and re-rush corp. Corrupt Pures being mostly out of food after fighting the mains stayed and fought, after the fighting went on for about a minute team bacon strips were at our necks helping hazard, but all of a sudden hazard dip south after being almost nearly cleared leaving us behind with these evil ******* ****** mains. We decided we did good and just dipped with our extra tasty loot.
Corrupt Pures vs The Last Pures vs Eruption of Pures
We heard there was some action going on @ GDZ. We decided to go check it out and found a couple EoP Members by red dragons, we quickly cleared the EoP remaining and rushed east to GDZ. Once we arrived it looked as if there was a pkri between TLP and Havoc, Havoc dipped to single strip but the brave TLP decided to stay and fight. They were close to being cleared and we put up a great fight against them. We decided to dip with our loot and were proud of our performance vs a P2P based clan since we heard word that havoc and some other clan were re-rushing. Thanks for the fight TLP.  :thumbsup:
~ Corrupt Pictures ~



More will be added soon. :)



    The clan world revolves around CP

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beautiful day!

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.



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    "Avec tactiques supérieures."

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Was fun.

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  • Posts: 6,444
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was a fun trip :P

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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  • Posts: 2,527
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Team bacon strips, dafok gj anyway sorry i couldnt make it :'}




  • Posts: 16,238
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Gj guys, seemed like alot of fun.

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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Proud Ex-High-Council of Activation




Our last trip pre-eoc, written by yours truly, 13 year old Alex.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Ft Fi, MM, FOE, TLP, EOP, HZ, MAINS

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