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Practice Practice Practice!

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Do you want to become better during events? You tired of being one bangs during P2P minis?(I sure am!)

Its called practice! No one has some godly mad talent they were born with at pure clanning. Drunk is good, but it took him almost a decade of practice to master pure clanning but still... he had to practice to become good, he ain't no wonderboy!

Make it your Goal to...

[ ] Attend one F2P mini
[ ] Attend one P2P mini
[ ] Attend one F2P prep (if available)
[ ] Attend one P2P prep (if available)
[ ] At least one Pk trip (try the whole trip XD)

The first five to post a picture HERE of you during the all of checked off events will be entered and will be selected by a panel of fellow Elites+ to see who was the most active


-You cannot enter if you have been in CP for more than 1 year... don't worry I'll know ;)
-No elite+
-Gentleman rule is in effect so I recommend you don't show up for an event for 1 minute then leave...once again ill know ;)
-You must post a screeny
-Post all of your pics in ONE post
-If you were a long-time CP member who retired then came back you can enter

****Post on this topic if you want to enter and I will tell you if your eligible


First Place - 1m worth Rune scimmys
Second Place - 500k worth Rune scimmys
Third Place - 200k worth of CP capes
Fourth and Fifth - 150k worth of CP capes

-Big thankyou to Jeff who indirectly gave me 2m which I will give back to you guys <3



[ ] Attend one F2P mini
[ ] Attend one P2P mini
[ ] Attend one F2P prep (if available)
[ ] Attend one P2P prep (if available)
[ ] At least one Pk trip (try the whole trip XD)


[ ] Attend one F2P mini
[ ] Attend one P2P mini
[ ] Attend one F2P prep (if available)
[ ] Attend one P2P prep (if available)
[ ] At least one Pk trip (try the whole trip XD)


[ ] Attend one F2P mini
[ ] Attend one P2P mini
[ ] Attend one F2P prep (if available)
[ ] Attend one P2P prep (if available)
[ ] At least one Pk trip (try the whole trip XD)


[ ] Attend one F2P mini
[ ] Attend one P2P mini
[ ] Attend one F2P prep (if available)
[ ] Attend one P2P prep (if available)
[ ] At least one Pk trip (try the whole trip XD)


[ ] Attend one F2P mini
[ ] Attend one P2P mini
[ ] Attend one F2P prep (if available)
[ ] Attend one P2P prep (if available)
[ ] At least one Pk trip (try the whole trip XD)

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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    The clan world revolves around CP

  • Posts: 41,730
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great idea

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.



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im probably going to win free cash come @ Me

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Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.


  • Posts: 6,444
    • RSN:Zombieman35
    • IRC:[CP]Andy
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im already good enough

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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  • Posts: 3,607
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good luck

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    The Dutch Legend

  • Posts: 3,438
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gl guys


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    Dutch Leader

  • Posts: 3,543
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Good luck boys

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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  • Posts: 268
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I could do with going to some F2P minis...but not really got an account,and I feel I am confident in P2P ... goodluck all.
I need one of those lists with pictures of like Fire Cape, Zammy Book, Climbers and shit so I can put it here and tick it off as I go along. Please help.

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IRC Nick : [CP]Cal|Free_Santas


  • Posts: 994
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isn't it practise instead of practice :$?

Y I Pwn U1

Y I Pwn U1
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can i join ?
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