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[>Corrupt Pures<] Corrupt Pures Delete EOP ~ P2P Midweek ~ FT. FOE/SV/PURITY

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    Emotional Guy

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Event History

Late post but Yesterday we managed to pull 35-40 people to a Midweek P2P Trip. It all started off as a lavas/rune fountain trip with around 10 people. We then found out FOE was pking so we quickly got intel that they were pking at 26 hill/sperm area. We massed up around 20 at this point to go hit them, we found the world and quickly got onto 26 hill and had a good 5 minute return fight with FOE until "Rage" ? Crashed the fight. After that we got a quick regroup at corp and apparently EOP and FOE were fighting at 26 hill, we rushed that and cleared everything there. Next, @Jordai and @$Shiny (Shiny teled) Baited FOE into fighting east of 18 ports and we  dominated this fight from the start, until EOP rushed, we moved south west as they rushed, Purity was south east killing low level stragglers (Train up if you got hit by them). We moved the fight to Corp hill and found out that SV were infact teaming with EOP and Purity, this wasn't enough for CP today. We destroyed EOP and the only people left were mains and raggers. After this fight we went to lavas as FOE ended and EOSV weren't going to fight us without 1 iteming. We were hit by 1 itemers of EOP and basically demorilazed them finishing them at gap and ending their trip.  

Thanks for the fights, Made some bank and had a lot of fun.





    Camel Rider

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nicely done

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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[16:56] @[[Cigarollo]]> we blamed u [16:56] <@[[Cigarollo]]> for fi's hackings [16:56] <@[[Cigarollo]]> we were like [16:56] <@[[Cigarollo]]> mash single handedly slumped this clan into oblivion

View PostSantana, on 27 December 2012 - 08:06 PM, said:

Mash is king, auto accept.


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    Per Mare Per Terram

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FYI the trip started with 4 people at like 10am but built momentum through out the day, @Super and @Fistpuncher starting

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Awards & Gifs:


Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

Aw Panic Lol

Aw Panic Lol
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nice trip

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    duck your taco

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Eop got fucked

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    See You Later :)

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View PostLila/Josh, on 05 July 2016 - 07:30 AM, said:

FYI the trip started with 4 people at like 10am but built momentum through out the day, @Super and @Fistpuncher starting
ayyyy lmao


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    Emotional Guy

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View PostLila/Josh, on 05 July 2016 - 07:30 AM, said:

FYI the trip started with 4 people at like 10am but built momentum through out the day, @Super and @Fistpuncher starting



    Best There Is

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Fun ass trip

@Leader 2015-2017



    The clan world revolves around CP

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So moral of the story:


Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.


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