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Freestyling Guide

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  • Posts: 3,607
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.::The Concept::.

Freestyling is an art of literacy. Many people think of it as Poetry, and compiling words that rhyme with eachother to a metronome. Free style commonly refers to rap lyrics which are improvised through a acapella or with instrumental beats, i.e. performed with no previously composed lyrics,


Step 1. Start Easy. There is no need to start off rhyming “damn my rhymes are so sophisticated” with “Niggas jelly just because i fucking made it”. No need to even rhyme. Just forget everything else and flow. The rhythm can be simple, the words might be second-grade level, but you’re still freestyling as long as you make it up.

Step 2. Keep Flowing. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to sound stupid. Make your first freestyle rap verses your stupidest verses just to get them out of the way. Keep flowing. Can’t think of a rhyme? Keep flowing! Stutter over words? Keep flowing. It’s inevitable that at some point some of your lines won’t rhyme, won’t make sense, or that you will inadvertently diss yourself. I knew one guy who accidentally dissed himself all the time when we were freestyling. Just keep flowing. If you make a mistake, do your best to incorporate your mistake into your next lines sort of like this:

When a nigga keepin on flowin,

the butter keep on glowin'

why the butter glow?

I don't know

But i gotta go

to the stow

for what though?

To put the team on my back bro.

How you get the team on yo back.. etc. etc.

Step 3. Rhyme ahead of time. Here’s the biggest trick to freestyle rapping: as soon as you know what word you’re going to end line 1 with, your mind should start racing to find out a word you can use at the end of line 2. Let’s say your first line is, “I’m colder than a Dairy Queen Blizzard.” As soon as you realize that you’re going to end the line with “Blizzard,” you should immediately think of something that rhymes with that word and might possibly be related: Wizard, sizzurp, Siccor, Nigger, Disser.. the show goes on.

Step 4. Write. Writing raps will help you freestyle. When you write, rhymes become embedded in your head, and you’re more likely to be able to pull these rhymes off the top of your head in a freestyle. That way when you're doing as stated in step 2, you'll already be able to keep the flow moving forward.

Step 5. Rap about any, and everything. If you were in a freestyle battle, this is the best way to win over the crowd. Letting them know that you're not rehearsing something you wrote a couple weeks before. Always always always rap about something that you see. It makes things easier on you when you're trying to get the flow moving, and it makes it easier on you to think of the words at the next verse to rhyme with.

Step 6. Include Metaphors. Metaphors and similes are an advanced but important part of freestyle rapping. They are often found in a rapper’s funniest and cleverest lines, and they really differentiate beginners from skilled emcees. Although I hate this nigga, Lil Wayne lays down verses that straight-up drip with similes and metaphors. He’s the one who is balling like “Rawlings and Spalding,” who is a giant like “fee fi fo fum,” who is counting (money) all day “like a clock on the wall.” Not only does he drop lots of similes, he drops clever, original similes. So do like he does. Don’t just say “sharp as a knife.” Say:

I'm sharper than Micheal Meyers blade..

I'm sharper than Last years Spelling bee Champ..

Say something original, that no body else will think of until after you say it.

Step 7. Listen and Practice. This is the most important step of them all. Listen and Practice. Practice makes perfect? not when you're rapping. Most of the rappers you hear today are students of rappers that came before them. Practice as much as you can. Freestyle with homeless people, with your friends, and with your family. Listen to pro rappers who freestyle and try to analyze their styles. Rap all the time; practice all night and day.

Step 8. Have fun. If you're not having a fun time, stop. The key to success in life in general is to do what you love. So if you don't like Rhyming put down the mic, and pick up something else to do. You aren't compelled to freestyling so never feel imprisoned to it.

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    Who says money cant grow on trees?

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batman freestyle this shit all day niggas. thanks bro

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Melanie Iglasias <3 Spoiled Below



  • Posts: 2,913
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Very unique, I like it.

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  • Posts: 268
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You left a link in when you copied and pasted it ;)
I need one of those lists with pictures of like Fire Cape, Zammy Book, Climbers and shit so I can put it here and tick it off as I go along. Please help.

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IRC Nick : [CP]Cal|Free_Santas


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that is the link the word "lyrics" directs to.
I need one of those lists with pictures of like Fire Cape, Zammy Book, Climbers and shit so I can put it here and tick it off as I go along. Please help.

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IRC Nick : [CP]Cal|Free_Santas



    The clan world revolves around CP

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lmao unique i like it, i like it.

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

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damn nice batman thanks for posting =0

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Clan: Corrupt Pures

Rank: %Council

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  • Posts: 3,607
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Everyone saying i left the link.. That was for Citation, so it's not plagiarism (:

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  • Posts: 1,507
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wierd guide, good good one :)  haha nice
I Was -

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- At Red Vs Blue x2
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- There When We Beat Ex + Cd Dispite Their +20 Advantage.
- There At The First P2P Prep
- There When We Held #1 For A Month In F2P Defeating Any Clan That Rised Against Us.
- I WAS A Corrupt Pure.
- Proud To Have Been A Mayhem Maker.


Y I Pwn U1

Y I Pwn U1
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so you think you can rap nigga? gj on the guide
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