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idk if y'all know M69, was in EOP, in FOE now, etc but that was his dad that killed all of those guys in London. #LikeFatherLikeSon #Snake
Mar 23 2017 03:58 PM
1. This has nothing to do with Islam and he does not represent Islam 2 claim to be the religion of peace 3. It's blow back for the west being in the Mideast. 4. The guy was a mentally ill '. 5. It is ''lone wolf attack''. 6. It's just part of living in a big city 7 claim Christians do these things too 8. Those who object are racist bigots. 9. Change Facebook profile to flag of inflicted country. 10. Light some candles, hold a vigil and go on a peace march. 11. Claim Muslims are the real victims. 12. Wait for the next Islamic terrorist attack to happen. 13. Go back to 1. Repeat as needed.
Mar 23 2017 02:28 PM
capitalist cucks
Mar 23 2017 02:51 PM -
nothing 2 do with islam
Mar 23 2017 05:06 PM