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Price of gold yesterday $.45 now today $.35. You see where this is going.. RIP

3AM, just finished watching a creepy ass fucking horror movie, school at 9AM, I am fucked lads.....

3AM, just finished watching a creepy as fucking horror movie, school at 9AM, I am fucked lads.....

Playing 'Would you Rather' @ work and I ask a chick if she would stick her fist in her ass and lick her hand or suck her mom nipples. And the manager comes out of no where and she says I'll rather lick my hand its like when your BF fucks you in the ass and you suck his cock.... TFFFF lol

Playing 'Would you Rather' @ work and I ask a chick if she would stick her fist in her ass and lick her hand or suck her mom nipples. And the manager comes out of no where and she says I'll rather lick my hand its like when your BF fucks you in the ass and you suck is cock.... TFFFF lol

ffs wanna try the new rs so bad this week but I got so much shit goin on fak =[