Community Status Updates

Forums back up, try not to put naked photos in signatures this time. :)

If you are running Avast! Anti-Virus and detects a Trojan when opening anything RS related you are safe! False Positive and you must get the update within' the next few hours.

SIGNUP!! 40ish Pull next saturday

I was literally 2k alchs from 99 with double exp lol >_> Mage(94->98) +4,513,713

Exp gains for Mojoch0p0ee in last 1wk: Overall(+41) +2,626,711 | Att(80) +212 | Str(100->101) +1,227,692 | Cns(93->94) +421,496 | Range(99) +38,240 | Cook(99) +6,468 | WC(58) +150 | Fish(47->48) +7,175 | FM(60->61) +27,035 | Craft(50->61) +199,082 (13:23:11) <[AA]RuneScript> *** [ TRACKER ]: Mine(66) +3,000 | Thief(66) +3,508 | RC(53->54) +3,514 | Hunt(52->61) +174,304 | Con(37->40) +9,600 | Sum(55->69) +505,235

Exp gains for Deerslayer58 in last 1wk: Overall(+18) +14,848,452 | Att(95->99) +3,808,034 | Def(36) +4 | Str(99) +38,660 | Cns(95->99) +3,678,260 | Range(92->99) +6,984,142 | Mage(95) +30,620 | WC(61) +1,530 | FM(60) +18,581 | Agil(62) +12 | Thief(56->57) +94