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Limited Time: RuneScape Game Card (90) on sale for just 30M!!â„¢-runescape-shop-sale/#entry111688

Probably wont make saturday trip am moving friday & saturday but ill try my best to make it

Can anyone post the SwiftIRC Server details? I'm testing out Pidgin for scripts. :)

Girlfriend, girlfriend, you could be my girlfriend You could be my girlfriend until the world ends

[CP]iMerk_31s! I bought all the kiln supplies and stuff got all the requirements! Now all I'm waiting for is for you to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting kicked from school if I skip class tommorow. WHY THE FUCK DONT THESE PEOPLE GET I'M IN MOROCCO I CANT ATTEND CLASS..

Cant make Saturday, gonna be moving so no internet =[ Gl vs Hi, knowing NME will be in lobby :)