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Shoutout to LowCountries for being the only person to vote me for anything. Fuck you all

Go vote for the Summer Awards!

most flukey 2nd round I ever seen, complete luck lmfao. it happens 1 in a million, np guys take it as a win. (no Drunk either)

$iP K E D
Good job today guys, should have won but meh.. Be on for the other preps this week!

Always Al0ne
optimum online internet is down all over the nyc area so idk if ts gonna be fix by he prep today :( FML but at least i have 4g on my phone lol

Always Al0ne
optimum online internet is down all over the nyc area so idk if ts gonna be fix by he prep today :( FML but at least i have 4g on my phone lol

If you signed up for last weekend's Pk Trips and you have an active account with CP Reqs, you should now have your regular Rank back. GO SIGN UP NOW:

If you signed up for last weekend's Pk Trips and you have an active account with CP Reqs, you should now have your regular Rank back. MAKE SURE YOU SIGN UP FOR THIS WEEK:

Make sure you're online today for the f2p prep vs foe, for more info.

RuneScape General #13 - Come join me:

Im not gunna lie fellas. I'm not sure when I can start being active again and Drunk is going to be inactive for awhile to. You guys need to work as a family and enjoy yourselves. Just because your not a staff member doesn't mean you can't step up and help CP maintain the activity it should. I should be on tomorrow to rape FOE. <3 you all.

Always Al0ne
chain<3 were gonna be ok cuz we all have a little bit of chain and drunk in us (no homo)
Aug 20 2012 08:05 PM -
sit leader. Promote wadda and i will lead Cp to wictory and send other clans into 5years slump and close them 1by1 starting from hi and then nme.
Aug 21 2012 06:26 AM -
iz ok Chainzy you go haf fun banging chix like u do! <3
Aug 21 2012 09:53 AM

whenever i run cyberghost it says account terminated or someshit some1 halp

Signup for the Weekend Trips and make sure you're on Tuesday for our F2P Prep vs. FOE