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Just parked my boat into my boat while watching gsw vs cavs rematch all while getting dome ah yes what a great Christmas

MFW i see kids saying they got an xbox for Christmas while everyone in CP got an exotic car wahahha i wonder how does it feel to be poor.. btw typing this while getting dome in my 2017 Bugatti

may santa bring all you little sissies some cartoon porn to jack it to this is christmas. im sure ur good at talking to girls irl rofl

Merry Christmas boys, just woke up in Paris with two bad French girls and my brother surprised me with a Porsche 911, got him a BMW i8 and we both got my mom a G wagon.

Merry Christmas lads just woke up in Dubai about to drive my new 2017 Bugatti Veyron, feels good to have a clan filled with wealthy people.

Merry Christmas every1! I wanted a 2016 gulfstream g650 but they got me a g550