Community Status Updates
F2P Prep vs. EOP Today Gathering begins at 5:00 PM EST.GMT kids please do your best to be there since it's a 30 man minimum.
May 08 2012 10:55 PM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Tomorrow (Wednesday) Gathering begins at 5:00 PM EST. GMT kids please do your best to be there since it's a 30 man minimum. Dangerous, all off, team capes.
May 08 2012 05:05 PM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Wednesday Gathering begins at 5:00 PM EST. GMT kids please do your best to be there since it's a 30 man minimum. Dangerous, all off, team capes.
May 08 2012 02:42 AM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Wednesday Gathering begins at 5:00 PM EST. GMT kids please do your best to be there since it's a 30 man minimum. Dangerous, all off, team capes, and F2P.
May 08 2012 02:42 AM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Wednesday its 30+ MIN, 5 PM EST, PLEASE SHOW UP!!
May 08 2012 02:39 AM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Wednesday its 30+ MIN, 5 PM EST, PLEASE SHOW UP!!
May 08 2012 01:58 AM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Wednesday its 30+ MIN, 5 PM EST, PLEASE SHOW UP!!
May 08 2012 01:58 AM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Wednesday its 30+ MIN, 5 PM EST, PLEASE SHOW UP!!
May 08 2012 01:58 AM
F2P Prep vs. EOP this Wednesday its 30+ MIN, 5 PM EST, PLEASE SHOW UP!!
May 08 2012 01:58 AM