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i went to publix b4 the trip and my cashier asked if she could give me dome, met her up after hours and stood on the conveyor belt and got head

Sorry I had to get off early during the trip, this bad bitch kept pulling my pants down trying to top me

#1 and we get dome on a daily basis. Imagine being in a clan having to compete for #2,3,4,5 and get no dome wahahahhah

sorry i don't want to go in the wilderness when my own clan attempts to hit me off, don't want to lose items

sorry i don't want to go in the wilderness when my own clan attempts to hit me off, don't want to lose items

sorry i don't want to go in the wilderness when my own clan attempts to hit me off, don't want to lose items

sorry i don't want to go in the wilderness when my own clan attempts to hit me off, don't want to lose items

Fuck! Missed today's trip currently stuck in China , took a plane two days ago and got the meanest dome by this bad Chinese bitch.

Sorry I had to get off early during the trip, this bad bitch kept pulling my pants down trying to top me

Had to kill clans for so long that when i went to get head my gf was already asleep, ffs pure community!