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Sinz's Photo


If it's 2 in the afternoon and you ain't high, go fuck yourself.
Apr 21 2017 03:21 PM
Shiny's Photo


my boy @Ted doing big thangs
Apr 21 2017 11:47 AM
  • Blue's Photo
    hes not even active lol
    Apr 21 2017 02:32 PM
  • Celine Dion's Photo
    $Celine Dion
    Ted where r u bb
    Apr 21 2017 02:32 PM
  • Deziqn's Photo
    Dw they'll find their way and return to cp.. again
    Apr 21 2017 03:13 PM
Mitch's Photo


Putin is really tryna fuck 'round & catch a couple MOAB's to the dome. Thoughts @Luke @Drunk
Apr 21 2017 10:36 AM
  • Maaku's Photo
    Puter will smoke arab
    Apr 21 2017 10:55 AM
  • Ezena's Photo
    Apr 21 2017 11:04 AM
  • Drunk's Photo
    Sounds about right. We might just keep rolling after we're done with North Korea.
    Apr 21 2017 03:50 PM
Laos's Photo


when you go slay green drags and this happens l0l #focus https://i.imgur.com/pkHAC6v.png
Apr 21 2017 09:45 AM
  • Disloyal's Photo
    Free 2M. :P
    Apr 21 2017 10:08 AM
Luke's Photo
  • Andre's Photo
    if kissing boys is wrong i don't want to be right
    Apr 21 2017 09:38 AM
  • Lila's Photo
    Apr 21 2017 09:55 AM
Akahana's Photo


Someone be my 2v2 pawtna.
Apr 21 2017 01:35 AM
  • Disloyal's Photo
    @Fatal Aren't you searching for one?
    Apr 21 2017 09:41 AM
Htown's Photo
  • KFC's Photo
    @Htown you have 3 children, you make 20k an year, your wife cheats on you with an african american man, your parents hate you, youre 35. kys idiot
    Apr 21 2017 01:47 AM
  • Mitch's Photo
    Well this escalated quickly
    Apr 21 2017 08:54 AM
  • Maaku's Photo
    slow kids
    Apr 21 2017 09:09 AM
SZN's Photo


Apr 20 2017 09:10 PM
Juicy Pears's Photo

Juicy Pears

I feel like I just grabbed a big juicy pear with a right sharp hook in the middle of it.
Apr 20 2017 07:11 PM
  • Disloyal's Photo
    Apr 20 2017 07:41 PM
Celine Dion's Photo
lpunchb4bys's Photo


<@DrunkBot> Chain: literally I will NEVER promote jasper or jv again.
Apr 20 2017 06:13 PM
  • Stoned's Photo
    Apr 20 2017 06:19 PM
Lila's Photo
  • Fatal's Photo
    LOOOL! <3
    Apr 20 2017 08:15 PM
Sam's Photo


@Alex take my right hand
Apr 20 2017 03:00 PM
Sam's Photo
Persian Tom's Photo

Persian Tom

<14:10:38> "[Moe] Moe": I'm legit the smartest member in cp
Apr 20 2017 02:11 PM
  • Ezena's Photo
    Only the dumbest one would say that
    Apr 20 2017 02:42 PM
  • Moe's Photo
    @Ash Ketchum isnt @Ezena a biiig scammar???
    Apr 20 2017 03:24 PM
  • Deziqn's Photo
    Apr 20 2017 03:38 PM