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Pure Quest Guide + Turmoil

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----Pure Questing Guide----
----Including Turmoil!----

Contents(Press Control+F and type in the words)

  • Rock Climbing Boots
  • Mind Equipment
  • Dragon Scimitar
  • Dragon Longsword and DDS
  • Ancient Magicks
  • Ghostly Robes
  • Addy Gloves
  • Rune Gloves
  • Initiate Armour
  • Dagon'hai Robes
  • God Book
  • Ava's Accumulator
  • Bearhead Helmet
  • Barrelchest Anchor
  • Korasi's Sword
  • God Cape
  • Ancient Curses
  • Proselyte Armour

Every essential item for a pure is listed with the requirements below, a great guide for a starter pure, and also you can check the items and if there's something you've missed, you can go and get it.  http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/Smileys/Smiles/victory.gif

The layout for the quests is in the form of a tree, meaning for each quest the required quests that you need to do first will be at the bottom, for example if it said:

  32 Quest points required.
  Also requires:
   Priest In Peril
   The Lost Tribe-
   17 Mining, 13 Agility, 13 Thieving   
   Also requires:
Rune Mysteries
Goblin Diplomacy

You would start with Goblin Diplomacy or Rune Mysteries and work your way up.

If a quest is a requirement for another quest, it will be further right aligned below the quest it is required for, as you can see above, Priest in Peril and The Lost Tribe are on the same aligment, meaning they are not linked.


To get Rock Climbing Boots:
+2 Strength bonus.

Death Plateau-
Quest Guide


To get Mind Equipment:
The body gives +15 magic defense, the best magic defense body for a 1 defence pure.

Elemental Workshop 2-
Quest Guide
20 Magic, 30 Smithing
Also requires:
   Elemental Workshop-
   Quest Guide
   20 Smithing, 20 Crafting, 20 Mining.


To get a Dragon Scimitar:

Monkey Madness
Quest Guide
  Tree Gnome Village
  Quest Guide
  Grand Tree-
  Quest Guide
25 Agility


To get a Dragon Longsword and DDS:

Lost City-
Quest Guide
36 Woodcutting, 31 Crafting


To get Ancient Magicks:


Desert Treasure-
Quest Guide
10 Slayer, 50 Firemaking, 50 Magic, 53 Thieving
Also requires:
   Digsite Quest-
   Quest Guide
  25 Thieving, Level 10 Agility, Level 10 Herblore
   Tourist Trap-
   Quest Guide
  10 Fletching, 20 Smithing.
   Temple Of Ikov-
   Quest Guide
  42 Thieving, 40 Ranged
   Priest In Peril
   Quest Guide
   Waterfall Quest
   Quest Guide
   Troll Stronghold
   Quest Guide


To get Ghostly Robes:

Ghostly Robes Guide

You need to have started Desert Treasure, you also need the ring of visibility which you get from Rasolo after starting Desert Treasure, and the amulet of ghostspeak from The Restless Ghost.
You start this miniquest at glarial's tomb, the place you went for the waterfall quest with the moss giants, if you have your ring of visibility on you will see a ghost there, you will only be able to talk to him if you have your ghostspeak amulet on.
Talk to him and he will give you a Ghostly Robe Top, drop it, and talk to him to get another one, keep repeating this until you have a full inventory's worth dropped on the ground, then pick them up.
He will tell you the location of the next ghost you need to talk to, it differs for every person so make sure you read the place he tells you to go to.
Once you've gone to the next person he says to go to, it'll be the exact same thing as the first guy, drop the ghostly if you want more of it[gloves and boots aren't really worth getting a lot of, unless you are too poor to bring climbing boots when you pk] and it will tell you the next ghost location.
Keep going through all the ghosts getting each ghostly piece from them and you'll have the full set when you're done.
If you want to get more ghostly pieces, you have to have none in your bank or inventory left whatsoever and then you can go back and do the dropping trick to get another 29[wearing 1 and 28 in inventory].

To get Addy Gloves:
+7 Strength bonus.

Cooks Assistant
Quest Guide

Recipe for Disaster-
Quest Guide  

1. Dwarf: A Rock Cake-
Fishing Contest-
Quest Guide
10 Fishing

2. Pirate Pete: A Fishcake-
31 Cooking

3. Goblins: A Slop of Compromise-
Goblin Diplomacy
Quest Guide

4. Skrach "Bone Crusher" Uglogwee: A cooked Jubbly bird
41 cooking, 20 firemaking
Also requires:
Big Chompy Bird Hunting-
Quest Guide
5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Range

5. Evil Dave: Evil Stew
25 cooking
Also requires:   
  Gertrude's Cat
  Quest Guide
  Shadow of the Storm-
  Quest Guide
   30 Crafting
   Also requires:
  Demon Slayer
  Quest Guide
  The Golem-
  Quest Guide
20 Crafting, 25 Thieving

6. Awowogei: A Giant filled snake
65 Cooking(with Chef's Delight(m)to pot to 70), 48 Agility
  Monkey Madness
  Quest Guide

To get Rune Gloves:
Warning: Gets you to 13 Defence from 1 because of the quest 'Nature Spirit' giving defence exp as a reward.
+8 Strength bonus.

Do the above 6 Subquests, and also do:

7.Lumbridge Guide: Cake of Guidance
40 Cooking
Also requires:   
   Big Chompy Bird Hunting-
   Quest Guide
   5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Range
   Quest Guide
   Plague City
   Quest Guide
   Demon Slayer
   Quest Guide
   Murder Mystery
   Quest Guide
   Nature Spirit
   Quest Guide
   18 Crafting
   Also requires:
   Priest In Peril
   Quest Guide
   The Restless Ghost
   Quest Guide
   Witch's House
   Quest Guide


To get Initiate Armour:
Requires 20 Defence, quest gives you 1000 Prayer exp(1-9)

Recruitment Drive
Quest Guide


To get Dagon'hai Robes:
Warning: gives you 2,000 Defence EXP, which gives you 1-13.. or 13-19.
Only do this if you are serious about getting 20 Defence and plan to get Rune Gloves as well.

Same magic attack bonuses as mystic, with added prayer bonus, looks awesome.

What Lies Below-
Quest Guide
35 Runecrafting
Also requires:
   Rune Mysteries
   Quest Guide

After you have done that, to be able to wield the robes you also need to kill Bork in the chaos tunnels minigame.
Bork Guide


To get a god book:
Zamorak: +8 all attack bonuses.
Guthix: +4 all attack bonuses, +4 all defense bonuses.
Saradomin: +8 all defense bonuses, pretty useless for a pure.

Horror From The Deep-
Quest Guide
35 Agility
Also requires:
Alfred Grimhand's Bar Crawl


To get an Ava's Accumulator:
+4 Range Attack bonus, +4 Magic Defense bonus, +1 Slash Defense bonus, and gives a 50(?)% chance to not use up ammo when firing

Animal Magnetism-
Quest Guide
18 Slayer, 19 Crafting, 30 Ranged, 15 Thieving, 35 Woodcutting
Also requires:   
  Ernest The Chicken
  Quest Guide
  Priest In Peril
  Quest Guide
  The Restless Ghost
  Quest Guide


To get a Bearhead Helmet:

Mountain Daughter-
Quest Guide
20 Agility
Note: You do not have to complete the quest, it gives 1,000 Attack, and 2,000 Prayer exp as a reward, so if you do not want these, kill the bear, take his head, and do not complete the quest


To get a Barrelchest Anchor:
One of the highest power weapons you can get for 60 attack, great used with granite maul combos.

The Great Brain Robbery-
Quest Guide
16 Crafting, 30 Construction, 50 Prayer
Also requires:
   Creature of Frenkenstrain-
   Quest Guide
   25 Thieving, 20 Crafting
   Also requires:
   Priest In Peril
   Quest Guide
Cabin Fever-
Quest Guide
42 Agility, 45 Crafting, 50 Smithing, 40 Ranged
Also requires:  
Rum Deal-
Quest Guide
40 Farming, 50 Fishing, 47 Prayer, 42 Crafting, 42 Slayer

Recipe For Disaster - Pirate Pete   


To get a Korasi's Sword:
Requires 10 Defence, doesn't give any defence exp, I would not reccommend manually leveling to 10 defence to get this, unless you are 100% sure you will be staying 10 Defence forever, because if you manually get 10, What Lies Below and Nature's Spirit will put you above 20 Defence, if you plan to some day get 20 Defence, get 20 Defence and Rune Gloves first.

The Void Stares Back-
Quest Guide
80 Magic, 78 Attack, 78 Strength, 71 Firemaking, 70 Construction, 70 Crafting, 70 Smithing, 55 Summoning, 10 Defence
Also requires:
Complete the Conquest tutorial.
Conquest Guide
  A Void Dance-
  Quest Guide
  54 Thieving, 52 Woodcutting, 49 Herblore, 48 Summoning, 47 Construction, 47 Mining, 46 Hunter
Also requires:
Druidic Ritual
Quest Guide
Wolf Whistle
Quest Guide
Quiet Before The Storm-
Quest Guide
35 Attack, 42 Strength
Also requires:
  Imp Catcher
  Quest Guide
  Quest Guide
  32 Quest points required.
  Also requires:
   Priest In Peril
   Quest Guide
   The Lost Tribe-
   Quest Guide
   17 Mining, 13 Agility, 13 Thieving   
   Also requires:
Rune Mysteries
Quest Guide
Goblin Diplomacy
Quest Guide


To get a God Cape:
+10 Magic Attack and Magic Defense bonus.

Mage Arena minigame:
You need at least 60 magic, it's possible to do it with 10hp if you have 37 prayer for protect from magic.
If you aren't 37 prayer, i'd recommend at least 50hp. Wear the best magic attack bonus gear you can get, take runes for the best blast or wave spell you can do, take a magic potion. If you are 37+ prayer, all you will need is a few prayer potions, if you aren't 37+ prayer, i'd advise taking a full inv of rocktails.


To get Ancient Curses:
Make sure you have done Recipe for Disaster up to Rune Gloves, and Dagon'Hai robes before you start this. The Defender of Varrock quest gives you 10000 Defence exp, this will get you to 30 Defence(very close to 31) from 20 so make sure you have the fully quested 20 Defence first.p

The Temple at Senntisten-
Quest Guide
50 Prayer
   The Curse of Arrav-
   Quest Guide
   37 Slayer, 41 Summoning, 61 Agility, 64 Ranged, 64 Mining, 64 Strength, 66 Thieving
   also requires:
Defender of Varrock-
Quest Guide
51 Agility, 51 Hunter, 54 Smithing, 59 Mining
also requires:
  Shield of Arrav
  Quest Guide
  The Knight's Sword-
  Quest Guide
  10 Mining
  Demon Slayer
  Quest Guide
  Temple of Ikov-
  Quest Guide
  42 Thieving, 40 Ranged
  The Family Crest-
  Quest Guide
  40 Mining, 40 Smithing, 59 Magic, 40 Crafting
  What Lies Below-
  Quest Guide
  35 Runecrafting
  Also requires:
Rune Mysteries
Quest Guide
  Garden of Tranquility-
  Quest Guide
  25 Farming
  Also requires:
Creature of Frenkenstrain-
Quest Guide
25 Thieving, 20 Crafting
Also requires:
  Priest in Peril
  Quest Guide
  The Restless Ghost
   Quest Guide

  Shades of Mort'ton-
  Quest Guide
  15 Herblore, 20 Crafting
  Also requires:
   Priest in Peril
   Quest Guide

  Troll Romance-
  Quest Guide
  28 Agility
  Also requires:
Troll Stronghold-
Quest Guide
15 Agility
Also requires:
Death Plateau
Quest Guide

  The Tale of The Muspah-
  Quest Guide
  10 Magic, 8 Mining, 6 Firemaking, 10 Woodcutting

  Missing My Mummy-(and completely restored Senliten)
  Quest Guide
  35 Cooking, 35 Construction, 35 Crafting, 35 Magic, 35 Prayer
  Also requires:
   Prince Ali Rescue
   Quest Guide
   The Golem
   Quest Guide
   20 Crafting, 25 Thieving
   Icthlarin's Little Helper-
   Quest Guide

Desert Treasure-
Quest Guide
10 Slayer, 50 Firemaking, 50 Magic, 53 Thieving
Also requires:
   Digsite Quest-
   Quest Guide
  25 Thieving, Level 10 Agility, Level 10 Herblore
   Tourist Trap-
   Quest Guide
  10 Fletching, 20 Smithing.
   Temple Of Ikov-
   Quest Guide
  42 Thieving, 40 Ranged
   Priest In Peril
   Quest Guide
   Waterfall Quest
   Quest Guide
   Troll Stronghold
   Quest Guide

Devious Minds-
Quest Guide
65 Smithing, 50 Fletching, 50 Runecrafting
Also requires:
Quest Guide
32 Quest points required.
Also requires:
  Priest In Peril
  Quest Guide
  The Lost Tribe-
  Quest Guide
  17 Mining, 13 Agility, 13 Thieving   
  Also requires:
   Rune Mysteries
   Quest Guide
   Goblin Diplomacy
   Quest Guide

Troll Stronghold-
Quest Guide
15 Agility
Also requires:
   Death Plateau
   Quest Guide

Doric's Quest
Quest Guide


To get Proselyte Armour:
Requires 30 Defence, only get this if you are 30 Defence with turmoil already gotten, it's not worth getting 30 Defence for.

The Slug Menace
Quest Guide
30 Crafting, 30 Runecrafting, 30 Slayer, 30 Thieving
Also requires:
Quest Guide
32 Quest points required.
Also requires:
  Priest In Peril
  Quest Guide
  The Lost Tribe-
  Quest Guide
  17 Mining, 13 Agility, 13 Thieving   
  Also requires:
   Rune Mysteries
   Quest Guide
   Goblin Diplomacy
   Quest Guide

   Sea Slug
   Quest Guide
   30 Firemaking

credits to foe

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RSN: CP1337696969

Clan: Corrupt Pures

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Seen this before, but loads of information in it. Sure it will help alot of ppl

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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View PostiMerk 31s, on 20 October 2011 - 08:46 PM, said:

Seen this before, but loads of information in it. Sure it will help alot of ppl

yeah credits to foe are at the bottom xD

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RSN: CP1337696969

Clan: Corrupt Pures

Rank: %Council

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Thanks for putting all the needed information in one spot :D

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