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Peace through strength - the Legacy must continue

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  • Posts: 4,278
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Transformation from Pures to Mains

We've finally made the big step from pures to mains in just a short month. I'd like to thank everybody who keeps training and has stayed with us through this time. Thus, making the legacy of CP stay alive for years to come..

Slump in Activity

There's no question about it - our members are slowly leaving us or going inactive. I feel this is becasue we've been losing more fights since EOC. Losing fights for us was going to be expected, if you didn't think we'd be at the bottom you're not thinknig straight.

We've been getting so many fights over the past few weeks to get us practicing but if you do not show up - there's really no point for us loyal members to attend. Current there's only 12 solid members who have been to every single event since the update which is not acceptable. If you can browse the forums during the battle times you should be logged-in game helping us win fights!

Training for the future

For all those who haven't been active since the start of the month you must get the following levels before Feburary. If you do not train or find an account you will be moved to +Clan Ally or even guest.

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Pulling out all stops, winning fights

In the past ranks such as Drunk has carried the clan to victory which his legendary calling. Now it's a team effort, everyone must be on their game as much as the callers. This means you need to show up to as many fights or events possible. We understand that it's a hard time of the year, but please try and attend just 30 minutes to help CP.

Tanking and getting on the pile is something we all need to work on, we will get the hang of it but only if you show up to events. Again many thanks to the loyal members who keep attending fights!

Peace through strength a necessary component to the top - fear us
Corrupt Pures 2013

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Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.



    The grass ain't greener on the other side it's just blue

  • Posts: 26,333
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Good topic Andrew, this goes to everyone..

she send me pictures to my iphone

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then I gotta clear em cause my girl be checking my phone

Ex-@Leader of the Best & Most Aspiring Pure Clan




    the ment, enjoy it.

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Peace through strength a necessary component to the top - fear us
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$iP K E D

iP K E D
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great topic andrew! was a good read.

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  • Posts: 6,444
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Forever corrupted

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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    The clan world revolves around CP

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Do not let up.

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.




    Corrupt Forever.

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I'm so sorry that i can't be a part of this, I just don't have the time to train an account or the will to buy one.
In the past, calling was essential but nowadays every single one of you will be held accountable for your wins and losses. Member quality will be a bigger priority now than it ever was in CP's History. If you wish to succeed it will be up to you and your will to win.

| Corrupt Pures | Elder | Corrupt Since 09' | #Clan-CP |

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"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself.

Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."


@High Council



  • Posts: 5,246
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Nice topic andrew <3

More fights more practice, all we need is the member activity :)

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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  • Posts: 2,527
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Plenty of fights everyone must try there best to attend the majority/all :rolleyes:

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