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Farming Guide


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    The boys tell stories about the men

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The skill that really has no use and just looks cool.

Introduction: To start the Farming skill, you will need to be a member, and find an empty patch. When you first find a patch, you'll need to clear the weeds with a rake. Once the patch has been cleared, you can put Compost or Supercompost on the patch, which will give it a higher chance of growing without disease, or dieing.

Required items: (All can be put into your tool kit, which will give you more room for farming supplies)

- Rake
- Seed Dibber
- Spade
- LOTS of watering cans
- Falador, Ardougne, Lumbridge, Varrock, Camelot Teleports, and Glories
- Composts or Supercomposts
- Hatchet

Optional items:

- Light weight clothing ( Boots of Lightness, Spotted or Spottier capes, Agile Top, Agile legs )
- Ardougne Cape
- Explorers Ring
- Enchanted Broomstick ( gotten from swept away quest )

Farming Tools: Everything you will need 2b1337farmer

Rake - Used to clear weeds to make patches available for planting crops.
Spade - Needed to harvest crops, to remove dead plants, to plant trees, and to pick herbs.
Watering Can - needed to water allotment patches, flower patches, and tree sapplings.
Magic Watering Can - An endless source of water, gotten from Fairy Tale Part III - Battle At Orks Rift.
Seed Dibber - Used to plant seeds.
Gardening Trowel - Used to plant tree seeds in pots.
Secateurs - Used to remove dead branches from trees and bushes.
Magic Secateurs - Increase the harvest by 10% when weilding them, gotten from Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains.
Basket - Used to store up to 5 fruits
Sack - Used to store up to 10 vegetables
Plant Pot - Used to plant tree seeds.

Farming Shops: Stores where the shop keeper will sell you farming tools and shit that you need.

There are 4 farming shops, which are located at Catherby, Falador, Ardougne, and Port Phasmatys.

The Leprechauns Tool Shed: At each farming patch, there will be a Leprechaun wandering around, who will offer to hold your tools for you. He will also note anything you get from allotments, such as flowers, fruits, vegetables, BUT not logs. He will even note anything you don't make yourself.


Seeds: Seeds can be obtained from the Grand Exchange, other players, or from Thieving them.

Seeds can be thieving from Master Farmers, at level 38 thieving, you will be granted 43 experience in thieving for each successful pickpocket, and some seeds. Master Farmer are located at Draynor Marketplace, North of Ardougne, and South of Varrock

Seeds can also be stolen from Farming Stalls, located at Draynor Market place. You will need a thieving level of 27, and will be granted with 10 thieving xp, and some seeds.

Compost: Patches that have been treated with compost will be less likely to become diseased and kill your crops. To make your own composts you must will a composting bin ( located at every patch ) with 15 items of organic material. ( Anything you grow in allotment, weeds ).

You will be rewarded with 18 experience everytime you treat a patch with normal compost, and 26 experience every time you treat a patch with supercompost.

Fruit Tree Locations:

Catherby - North of the fishing spots - http://img859.imageshack.us/img859/661/111231161529.png

Tree Gnome Stronghold - East of spirit tree teleport - http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2578/111231162459.png

Gnome Stronghold - West of follow guy - http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/4127/111231162710.png

Brimhaven - Beside the guy who takes you to Shilo Village - http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9018/111231162943.png

Tree Locations:

Falador Park - http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/5563/111231161852.png

Taverley - http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9748/111231162158.png

Lumbridge - Behind Castle - http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/75/111231162233.png

Varrock - Beside Castle - http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/8265/111231162341.png

Tree Gnome Stronghold - South West of spirit tree teleport - http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/8131/111231162552.png

Herb Patches:

Catherby - North of bank http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/3069/111231161722.png

Ardougne - North East of tele spot - http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/3680/111231161822.png

Falador - South of teleport spot - http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2954/111231162019.png

Port Phasmatys - West of the town - http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/3200/111231175301.png

Scroll Of Life: The Scroll of Life is a Dungeoneering reward which can be bought from the trader for 10,000 tokens. Once used, the scroll will disappear, leaving you with the permanent benefit of; When harvesting patches, you will have a 10% chance of getting a seed back, and when harvesting trees, you will have a 5% chance of getting a seed bcak from a dead one. ( Note that you will not always get the same seed back as the one you planted )

Boosting: The Farming skill is a boostable stat.

Spicy Stew - -6 - +6 Farming Boost

Garden Pie - +3 Farming Boost

Cider - +1 Farming Boost

Summoning is also related to Farming, some familiars will boost your farming -

Dreadfowl - +1 Farming Boost

Compost Mound - +1-2% Farming Boost & fills your buckest with normal compost

Stranger Plant - +1-4% Farming Boost


Once all of you noobs get 99 Farming, you can get the cape from Martin The Master Gardener at Draynor Marketplace.



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sexy guide

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Failed Hiitz

Failed Hiitz
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Edit: jk nice guide m8

Twin Loot

Twin Loot
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Guide is Sexy Af
I will use it when I have the time after rune gloves <3



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    Get busy livin' or Get busy dyin'

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good shit

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    Sink or Swim

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Looks like you put some into it, good job.

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Ray Mane

Ray Mane
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are you fukcing dumb m8 make a tank guide or a fucking p2p guide for these guys who the fuck farms


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zoom is only guide

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"in your life you gotta find the people worth suffering for, but truth is everyone is gonna hurt you. just take it one step at a time."



    The boys tell stories about the men

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View PostRay Mane, on 31 December 2011 - 07:57 PM, said:

are you fukcing dumb m8 make a tank guide or a fucking p2p guide for these guys who the fuck farms
kk m8 tank guide next!@!@!@

Ray Mane

Ray Mane
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ffs ur sig is sexy as fuck let me hit m8

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