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Progress of Uncle S A M

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Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam
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Hey dudes,
I decided to make a thread about my progress in leveling my main pure Uncle S A M


S P A     M - 1m


ATT 60/60

STR 82/99

DEF 01/01

RNG 81/99

PRY 44/52

MGC 73/99

Items unlocked/aquired:

Mith gloves [x]

Climbing boots [x]

Ghostly robes [x]

Dragon scimitar [x]

Dragon dagger [x]

Amulet of fury [x]

Fire cape [ ]


Animal Magnetism

Desert treasure

Monkey madness

Horror from the Deep

Lost city


Getting my range up to 85 at sandcrabs

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Hey guys,

so apparently I got scammed on sunday and now my bank is worth like 300k,

I lost around 15m in gear and coins total. So if you have seen me online on sunday could you pm me?

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Ps. All donations are welcome since I can't really train ranged without money.



    duck your taco

  • Posts: 7,193
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Decent account man

We have some trusted members in CP who can do your firecape and can also quest for you

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    Best There Is

  • Posts: 12,243
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Nicely done bud.

Keep it up.

@Leader 2015-2017

Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam
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View PostDeziqn, on 03 November 2016 - 10:19 AM, said:

Decent account man

We have some trusted members in CP who can do your firecape and can also quest for you
I have done all the quests I need but the fire cape I could do through this clan :P Thanks for comment and feedback.

Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam
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View PostSam, on 03 November 2016 - 10:19 AM, said:

Nicely done bud.

Keep it up.
Thanks bro,
I will!


  • Posts: 2,977
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good shit homie

Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam
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View PostAndre, on 03 November 2016 - 10:23 AM, said:

good shit homie
Thanks man!


  • Posts: 2,014
    • IRC:[CP]Jack
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Really nice topic man, I hope to see you max all that out soon enough!
Make sure to keep us updated!

High Council of the #1 Pure Clan

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    💯 💯

  • Posts: 1,990
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Nice man

Btw you should train range to 75 then buy urself or borrow a toxic blowpipe then go nightmare zone
Better xp than sand crabs

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    Més Que Un Clan

  • Posts: 14,969
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Good luck lifting ;)

Ex @High Council 2014 - 2017

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