whaddup guys Rune Wars Here with a little bit of some preachin , todays going to be a lit one soo get a final push for recruits! , have returns ready if you do not .. do what you gotta do , each weekend is a show to see if we are growing so we all need to be there wether "you dont like f2p" or "your busy" try to plan accordingly please not tryna be harsh but if you call yourself a member of corrupt pures you oughta attend these trips because WE ARE A TEAM AND TEAMS STICK TOGETHER

@%Lila @@Ted @@Remy @@Six @@Drunk @^Rage @^Pink @^Humble @^K1ss @^Strive @^Shiny @^Sil3nt @^SM0K3 @^Feelthef1re @Mr Egg @^`Peter @^Weak @^2pac @^Dpur3 @^Andy @^Ibugppl @^Andrew @^Desley @^3o4 @^Eric @^Ipunchb4bys @^Jump @^Flop @iP K E D @^Abyssal Wtf @^Ftw @^K-0ed-4-G00d @^Vi3t @^Zoom @^8loodyarcher @^Kenny @^Pex @^Final @^Key @^0ynxx @^Ben @^Bill @^Tristin @^Husky @^Prayer Pot69 @^Malarkus @^Klutch @^Marcos @^Icey @^Unusual 2389 @^Vode @^The Muted One @^Franco @^Todd @^SwanZiE @^I3reak Throu @Black Andre @^Oneddd @^Trae @Yx Ix @^Qolix @^Legit @^Mirin @^Iced Havoc @^Monstah @^Taka @^Silvercooney @^Hiit @^Htown @^Massing@^iDrawdee @^Theo @^Furl @^Zach @^Charlie @^Inu @^Danny @^Trent @^Pokyful @^Nefy @^Hon0r @^M0p @^Droopy @^Eimaj @^Andre@^Honey Garlic @^Tism @^Bvb @^Emp @^Sebi @^Doozy @^Luk3 Pur3 @^Membs @^elvy @^Yonomellamo @^Kembe X @^Hotkeying @^Juan @^Hope@^Kidtouchin kJ @^Sikh @^Trojan @^Mitch @^California @^Zeppke @^K0nt @^Laos @^Stoned @^Zack @^Wata @^Maaku @^Potter @Nu Biker @^Neal @^Fullbuster @^Legacy @^Henry @^Upluk @^Ped @^Boomer @^Hustlez @^Dinoz @Z I K 0 @^Kse @^Robbie @^Cloob @^W00t Pked1@^Luffy @^Azrael @^Touqir @^Winz @^SammyT @^Ploot @^Bud @^Sweaty @^Venne @V A A K @^Hawz @^Slabby @^Wardy @^Akahana @I Am A Guy I @^Earl @^Zee @^Insane @^Dalmore @^Crucify @^Nousu @^ImProbsAfk @^Kenan N Kel @^Jman428 @Fudog @^P0ke N Die @^Jasper @^Luke@^Tony @^Toxine @^David @^Merk @^Joey Venom @^Fatal @@Anthoni @@Victory @@Jack @@Deziqn @Y I Pwn U1 @Sf Ii @+Curen @+Blue @+`Spam@+W4NT3D D34TH @+Orphan @+Moorcus @ +Kevin @+Antonio @+Eriik @+ImjustBaKEd @+Jesus @+Reapwah @+Zeros @+Ash Ketchum@+Tainted_One @+Ports @+Mantas @+Carrotcat @+Hoomeses @+Cole @+Waydi @+King Bzrka @+Cheetoz @+Tijmz @+Youness @+Moe @+Henrik@+Core @+Pearl Perry @X O @+Steve Andar @+Don Dude @+Cemetxry @+One Tic King @+Anton` @+Rune Wars @+Flex @+Mike/Pyffindor @+Fratitude@+Furmoil @+ECH0 @+Udyr @+Uncle Sam @+Flatbush @+Inners @+Eesti Boss @+Evandro @+RRA @+Zero Requiem @+Weed @In Abundance @+Willdownyou @+Zet @%Carlos @%Celine Dion @%Connor @%Xzecute @%Sinz @%Naseer @%Weeee @%Soufiane @%Jaspeer @%Mwp @+Ezena@%Super @%Teboo @%Nisti @%Ricke @%Pingu @%Fistpuncher @%Blitze @%Chris @@Alex @@Chain