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Some goals to have by monday

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    The grass ain't greener on the other side it's just blue

  • Posts: 26,333
    • RSN:Horseface
    • IRC:[CP]David
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Since double/multiple whatever the hell xp weekend is coming up, I'm going to try my hardest (bot) to get these items & stats.
Seers ring http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101103052860/runescape/images/f/fb/Seers%27_ring_%28i%29.png
Greater Runic Staff ( I lost my first one ) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120607084423/runescape/images/thumb/8/8d/Greater_runic_staff_%28charged%29_equipped.png/300px-Greater_runic_staff_%28charged%29_equipped.png
99 HP (416K from 99) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120224162738/runescape/images/0/03/Constitution.png
and last but definitely not least,
110 F2P Combat http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111126091418/runescape/images/9/9d/Multicombat.png
Wish me luck.. my bots gonna be puttin in work!

she send me pictures to my iphone

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then I gotta clear em cause my girl be checking my phone

Ex-@Leader of the Best & Most Aspiring Pure Clan




    The grass ain't greener on the other side it's just blue

  • Posts: 26,333
    • RSN:Horseface
    • IRC:[CP]David
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receive you're +1s now lads

she send me pictures to my iphone

Posted Image

then I gotta clear em cause my girl be checking my phone

Ex-@Leader of the Best & Most Aspiring Pure Clan


Always Al0ne

Always Al0ne
  • Posts: 1,129
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Good luck bots



    The Dutch Legend

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gl man!


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  • Posts: 4,278
    • RSN:Sica
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Best of luck my friend, my bot is gonna work overtime Saturday.

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Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.


  • Posts: 4,495
    • IRC:[CP]`3o4
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Ha he lost his staff ha.

Jk david P:

goodluck ;p


  • Posts: 142
    • RSN:el cigarollo
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the whole world will be different soon
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What you learn from these pictures:
1. Do not touch power lines.
2. Do not idle around suspiciously in the middle east, else MURRICA will shoot you down
3. There is nothing you can do to keep some asshole in a car from running you down.



    The clan world revolves around CP

  • Posts: 41,730
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Gl guy

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.


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