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I don't know, I really don't know

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  • Posts: 542
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Okay... I was busy for about 2-3 days which is why I haven't been on rs/irc/ts3/forums. I come on today and I go in Announcements like I normally do. I see the main topic and I read it. I read every single comment, all 11 pages of comments/quotes three times over. I read the topic again to make sure what I'm seeing is right. You guys said to post why you wouldn't do it so instead of blowing up the comments I'm going to say it right here.... Since I've been playing rs, since the very very first time I logged on all I've known is pure. I have never trained defense. 2001-2012 I've probably gained 3k defense xp on all accounts I own TOTAL. I can't purposely go on my account and turn a defensive attack on and watch the defense xp go up. I really can't do it. Getting turnoil hurt me and that was still pure. What I'm trying to say is that 509 will never have anymore defense xp that he has now. NOW with all this being said, if someone was able to loan me an account to go on trips/events with I would happily go, but as far as I'm concerned 509 will be 32 defense for as long as RS is up and running. You can take pures out the game but after 11 years of doing it, you can't take pure out of me






  • Posts: 1,410
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I maybe have a spare main

$iP K E D

iP K E D
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View PostiP K E D, on 28 November 2012 - 05:02 AM, said:

if you guys are so worked up about getting defence, find a main to use rather than moan about it. the facts are that pure clanning is dead, no one will fight us as you can see. do you want to be in a clan with no events? then so be it and vote no. do you want to embark on a new adventure and explore a whole new side of clanning where there are far more clans and much more action? then vote yes.

the choice is yours, we will never force anyone to get defence, and this transition to becoming a main isn't happening anytime soon. you guys are old enough and smart enough to understand what is going on. if you are so bothered feel free to pm a rank for advice or an explanation.

trust me, you guys who are scared to ruin your pure, your account isn't that good in the first place. i have the most godliest account in cp and it will hurt me to train defence, but if training defence means that cp will get more action and events.. then so be it. it's a game at the end of the day. it's all about having fun, and we won't be having any fun if we remain as pures.

you gotta think of this situation from the clan's perspective not just your own. i would hate to defence. anyways..read the first sentence. if you do get hold of a main, and it's stats are not up to scratch, you better be ready to max it out completely and meet all the reqs.

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  • Posts: 4,511
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think about it, everyone is doing it for the community so everyone can have more fights, there is like 50 main clans who fight daily and if you join us you will help us immensely



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It's just a game. I sign on for you guys. I'm signing on for no reason when we have no events because of a dead pure community. Time to move on my friend. If you love your account that much then find a different one to use.

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    Founder of Corrupt Pures

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View PostKevo, on 28 November 2012 - 04:18 AM, said:

I maybe have a spare main
problem solved :3

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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  • Posts: 542
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Like I said, I have no problem doing it I just need a main to go on





    The clan world revolves around CP

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Can't be that hard to buy a main with your 2b bank lol

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.


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